Chapter 13

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After several long hours of listening to Dean's music, we finally arrive in Denver. Oh my god. How does Sam put up with his music all these years? I may have to strangle Dean if he plays one more AC/DC song.

Dean pulls into the parking lot of a dinner called Joe's. Dean shutting off the impala, we get out in near unison and walk to the entrance. Sam walks into the diner first, then Dean and me in the back. Dean looks around inconspicuous for something that raises any red flags, but nothing seemed to be wrong. The diner had ugly red and white tiles, old and worn out red booths, as well as red counter tops and squashed bar chairs.

A woman with the name tag of Wendy came around the counter and put us in a booth in the corner of the room. Dean checks her out in an obvious way - Wendy not noticing at all - and I laugh. He just gives me a whatever look as he slides next to me and Sam sits acrossed from us. I give a small quiet chuckle as she sets down three menus in front of us.

"Can I get you three something to drink?" The waitress said to us before her eyes remain on Dean. He gives her a cheeky grin and a wink. She blushed and stared at me.

"Pepsi." I said, rolling my eyes at Dean and the waitress. She wrote it down in small scribbles and she turned her body towards Dean in a bad waitress pick up line. 

"Beer." Dean said as she batted her eyes at him flirtingly. He grinned broadly, before looking at me and raised his eyebrow. Sam raised his eyebrow at me like his brother, then nudged Dean. I gave him a shrug and a smirk.

"Water." Sam replied to flirty Wendy. She really wants a big tip, or a good night after she leaves. I want to roll my eyes and snort. I, although, refrain from doing either. She scribbles down the drinks and sticks the notepad into her apron.

"Ok! I'll give you a few minutes to see what you want!" She said in a fake cheerful voice that I hate, winning at Dean. I flipped through the menu, looking for their burgers which I found on the last page. I'll get a bacon cheeseburger with fries, I decide.

"Look, we'll check the place out tomorrow and research. Any complaints?" Sam asked, looking from Dean to me, then back to his brother. Dean was staring behind us at Wendy's ass. I kick him hard under the table and his eyes whip over to meet mine. This time, I grin.

"No." I spoke up. Sam and Dean exchanged glances. Dean leans on and muttered something so low that only Sam could've heard it. I narrow my eyes at them, anger rising at the fact that they were probably talking about me and I don't know what they're talking about.

"Mia, I don't know if you should come with us. You're still new at this and I don't want you to get hurt." Sam spoke up after a few minutes. I intake a deep breath to calm myself down.

"No. I'm coming with you. I've already told you this." I said stubbornly. I shook my head and folded my arms acrossed my chest. My anger was getting to be too much, and I'm starting to think that I don't know how to control it. My head began to throb in the back, but I ignored it.

"Dude, I told you that she wouldn't." Dean muttered only a little louder, but still loud enough that I could hear it. Dean put his arm around my shoulders and leaned in close to me so Sam couldn't hear him."Sammy doesn't want you to. I think you're ready. And by the way, I love when your stubborn." He kissed my cheek before he leaned away, but kept his arm around me. "Alright. Dude, we're going with my plan." Dean said, speaking louder to tell Sam.

"Dean!" Sam started to protest but Dean put up his free hand up, stopping him. He open and closed his mouth, but kept silent. He glared at Dean, daring him to tell him the reason.

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