Chapter 20

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The rest of the ride with Dean driving and Sam asleep was filled with music. Sam must have been use to it because he didn't wake up at all.

"How long have you been.. hunting?" I asked him, trying to fill the empty silence.

"Ever since Sammy's six month birthday. 'Yellow Eyes' killed our mom, so my dad wanted to get him."

"Yeah. I don't know how you survived? I mean your parents died. I don't know what that feels like." I replied sarcastically.

Dean looked at me before saying,"Thanks."

"For what?" I asked him. For lying to you? For what I said about his parents? For keeping things from him? For what?

"For not acting like I just kicked a freakin' puppy. That's why I like you, I guess."

"Well, don't think I didn't feel like crap after my parents died. I know what you went through."


"How did Bobby know my dad?"

"He was the one to tell my dad about it. It was a case."

"You and your dad..."

"No. Sammy and I. My dad passed it off to us as our first case alone," Dean cleared his throat,"We should be there in about an hour."

After about fifteen minutes, Sam woke up. Mainly because Dean turned the music louder and then sang obnoxiously. Sam wasn't happy.

"We have, what, half an hour left?" Sam asked Dean.

"No. About ten." Dean yelled louder then the music.

"Could you turn it down?" Sam yelled back.

"Never!" Dean smiled.

After about ten minutes, Dean pulled off of the highway and onto a street."Where is Andy?" Dean asked Sam.

"Look for his van." Sam answered. We turned the corner and saw a blue van with a barbarian queen riding a polar bear,"There." Sam pointed out. Dean parked the car next to it. We get out and walk towards it. Sam knocks on the vans doors and something jumps. The doors open and a man gets out.

"Sam? Dean? What are you doing here?"

"Andy... you're in trouble." Sam said.

"Me? Yeah, no. Wait... who is this?" Andy said, pointing at me.

"I'm Mia. Freaky-physic-thing, too."

"Oh. So, how am I in danger?"

"A hunter comes after you." I tell him. Sam and Andy both look at me like I have three heads or something.

"How do you know?" Sam asked me with a Do you get them too? look.

"Cas." I said and walked over to Deans car. Why can't I tell them, Cas? Why can I talk to them about everything? What are you protecting me from? I said in my head, hoping Castiel would hear it. But... no such luck.

Dean walked over to me and put his arm around my waist."Is there anything I need to know?"

"Yes, Dean. And I can't tell you. That's the problem." I looked at him angrily. I wanted to tell them so bad.

"Cas made you?"

"Yeah. Stupid secretive angels."

"It's ok." He reassured me. I know he just wants to help me but this makes me madder.

"Dean, it's not! I need to tell you and I can't." I push him away and walk away. I swear, if him or Sam try to stop me, I'll break their fingers.

They watched me walk away. I went to the first hotel I saw and broke into one of the rooms. There's no security like that at this hotel so it was almost too easy. I quickly trashed the place in my anger.

I leave feeling a little better and walk back to Andy's van. Dean's car was gone. I knock on the doors and Andy opens them."Hey, Mia. Dean told me to tell you that they're in the Settings hotel when you cooled off and came looking for them."

"Thanks Andy."

"Oh and Mia, they're under the name Jim Foreigner-"

"Thanks." I said as I turned away.

"And get in! I'm suppose to take you there." Andy said as he got out of the vans back seat and got into the drivers. I walked over to the passengers and get in.

"What's your... ability?" Andy asked me. The van started and drove away.

"I don't know. I'm just starting to have headaches. But... let's just say I have a feeling that I'll find out in a few days." I said, thinking back to what Cas said. 'In a couple days, after you've seen for yourself how powerful it is.'

"We're here." He announced as he pulled up to the same hotel I was at earlier. I got out.

The lady at the desk looked at me and said,"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. I'm looking for Jim Foreigner. He's my boyfriend and he checked in before I got here." I lied a bit.

"Room 139." She said after looking it up on her computer.

"Thanks." I said as I left. Room 139 was at the end of the hall. I knocked and Dean answered the door.

"Mia, you calm - ish?"

"Yeah. Sorry I got mad. I just want to tell you everything."

"It's ok." He said as I hug him. He pulls me through the door and I notice that Sams not there.

"Where's Sam?"

"Getting food." He said. He shut the door and kissed me. His soft lips were against mine. I run my hands through his hair and he kisses me again. Before he kisses me again, there was a knock on the door. Dean walks over to answer it.

"Sam? Whats wrong?" Dean said as Sam rushed in the door.

"Andy's gone." He said quickly.

"What?" I said.

"His van is here, but the doors are open and he's gone." Sam said, just as quick.

"Lets go!" Dean said and moved toward the door.

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