My cupcake Nightmare x Baby! Reader

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Request by: Cheerio (btdubs Cheerio, no Nightmare is not part octopus)
Guys, please don't judge the pic. I drew it myself, and I know I'm not that good, but Glitz and Pringles kept telling me to post it. Enjoy my kittens. 💜💜💜
Nightmare POV
I was almost asleep when there was loud knocking at my castle doors.
"This better be good." I say opening the door. 'No ones here, good choice.' I turn to close the door, when an ear piercing cry fills the world. I look down to see a tiny child in a black basket. There was a note pinned to the (F/C) blanket, the girl was wrapped in. I picked up the note and read it.
Dear whoever is concerned,
The child this note came with is named (Y/N). She is 5 months old. From what little time I spent with her she is the sweetest child in the world. I am not her mother, the child's mother died giving birth to her. This woman absolutely dipised of the child. She told me to find this castle. Stating that the ''monster''inside is her father. I do not know what she meant by "monster."I do hope you accept this child into your home and heart. But if it so happens you do wish to send her back to me, set her back on the doorstep in a week.
Hoping you understand,
(Y/N)'s God mother.
'My......kid?' I picked up the little girl. She slowly opened her (E/C) eyes. "Welp, I would love to keep you, but how do I know your mine?" She looks at me and giggles, as if she understood. Then a bright (F/C) aura swirled around her, as she turned into a skeleton.
"Holy crap kid! Half skeleton, half human." I smile, geez I'm attached already.
'Right now I may not know a lot about you, but I love my little cupcake.'
Sorry it's so short! Ideas for Nightmare don't come easily. But I hope you enjoyed anyways!💜 I love all of you so much! And the reason I'm saying this, is because you all need to know your loved! And so I'm need to let anyone and everyone that MINTO UZUMAKI LOVES YOU WITH ALL OF HER HEART!! YOU ARE MY KITTENS AND I WILL TREAT YOU AS SUCH! So you ever need some to talk to, message me! I promise I respond as soon as I can! I'm usually up until 5 in the morning then sleep til 12:30. I am still going to respond even if not right away! Luv you and bye for now my kittens.💜💜💜

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