Mixed emotions. Cross x reader

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Request by: FlowerfellSansTheOne
I hope you guys enjoy and a quick announcement if someone cusses in the comments please let them be. Reporting people is a hassle for them. I luv u all
Cross POV (Chara in italics.)
'Oh my god! There she is again, Chara.'
'Yeah that's great... Can we just destroy this universe like Nightmare said to?'
'Yeah yeah, I got it.'
We started to place red crosses everywhere, ripping the NekoTale ( yes that's a real alternate universe for undertale... WHAT?! ITS REALLY CUTE...)universe apart. We have always hated this one anyway.
"HEY!" We turned to see (Y/N)!!
"Uh... Hey (Y/N)..." I said then mentally facepalmed for being so dumb.
'You know I've never really liked her... Let's just kill her and get it over with.'
'WHAT?! No! We can't do...that..'
"Um excuse me?" I looked away from Chara to see (Y/N)'s (H/L) (H/C)  hair blowing in the wind and her (W/P) (weapon) in her hand.
"This again Cross, when will you learn that I won't stand for this." She charged at me. I faked right and went behind her.
"When will you learn that you can't beat me?" I said as a swing at her.
"Ngh! Ow!" I looked up to see a cut on her cheek.
'What's wrong? You've done worse to Fell!'
'But that was Fell, this is .... Her.'
'Oh my god! Just KILL HER!'
I barely was able to dodge as (Y/N) tried to hit me. I listen to her boss music playing, trying to find the beat to her attacks.
"Hahaha! Trying to find my pattern? I wish you the best of luck!" She dodges my sword. I watch to my left but she made a fake and attacked my right.
"Ugh!" I yell as I hit the ground a little to hard. Everything starts to...... go................

'He's cute when he is knocked out.... Ink isn't gonna like this news...' I throw down one of the color signal that Ink gave me. A bright (F/C) beacon shot up. I sat down and waited for about 5 minutes.
"Hey! Sorry got caught up in my art I didn't see your beacon!" I turn to see Ink deactivating it.
"Hey! Nah it's nothing! Cross didn't wake up, so we're good!" I laugh.
"Cross? So, Nightmare is behind this."
"Yep." I say popping the p. Ink threw Cross over his shoulder and we all teleported to our little cell.
-Magical time skip due to Sans trying to figure out plurals-
~Three Days later~
Cross POV
"IF YOU DONT LET ME OUT OF HERE ILL I'll.... ill..." I "yelled" out. There isn't anything I can do. They took both my golden necklace and my sword. (I like to think the golden necklace is what keeps Chara with him... DONT JUDGE ME!) I look up to see (Y/N) opening the cell door.
"Listen Cross, I don't like the idea of you being stuck in here anymore that you do. So, here's an idea, take me to Nightmare and you go free. Simple as that." She said looking me in the eye.
"Why? So, you can try to kill him again?! And get hurt like that again?!No way!" I slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Why do you care if I get hurt?" She asked.
"I don't and I never will!" I yelled. Tears threatened to spill, but there is no way I will let them.
"THEN TAKE ME TO NIGHTMARE!" She slammed her hands down onto the table. I was shocked and lowered my head in defeat.
"Fine." I said, (Y/N) left and I curled up and cried. I couldn't help it, the last time they sent (Y/N) to kill nightmare.... I had to carry her to three different universes to find an Alphys that would help. The worst part? She doesn't remember one second of it. I cried myself to sleep.
~in ze morning~
I woke up to (Y/N) tossing my sword onto me. She threw down my golden necklace and I dived for it.
'Bout time'
'Shut up Chara'
"Let's go Cross!" She glared.
'Ouch someone's in a bad mood'
~magical time skip to Nightmare because Sans' jacket is warm.~
Nightmare POV
"Nightmare!" I hear Cross yell.
"Did you complete my mission?" I ask, he shakes his head no.
"WORTHLESS!" I yell and get ready to attack him as punishment when that good for nothing, goody two shoed,    (Y/N) hopped out.
"Oh? So you wanna fight again? Bring it!" I tell her.
"No. I didn't come here to fight. I came here to tell you to leave Cross alone, because he is one of us now." I began to laugh and Cross looked more shocked than electricity.
"And how do you think that?" I ask her. (Y/N) looked me dead in the eye turned around, and KISSED CROSS?!!
"Because I know how to handle mixed emotions."

Undertale AU Oneshots, lemons, or fluff *REQUESTS closed*Where stories live. Discover now