Talk to me. UnderFell Papyrus x Depressed! Shy! Reader

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Requested By: KayBoutell

I need you all to prepare for the feels in this chapter. It will be sad, but i still hope you all enjoy. So here you go my kittens!
Papyrus POV
"SLAVE!!" I called for the human that Sans brought home a few weeks ago. She was quiet and rarely talked back. She would stay in her little closet we cleaned out for her. Sometimes when I passed it I would smell blood, but when I opened it to check, she would be asleep. I found it adorable when she slept. I knew I had feelings for her the second I laid eye sockets on her. The only reason I can't tell her is because inthis world emotions are a weakness, and I, the great and terrible papyrus, cannot show weakness. (Y/N) finally walks down, wearing her long sleeved sweater she always wears.
"Y-yes?" She quietly awaited her task.
"I have to leave and when I get back the kitchen and living room better be spotless and dinner must be ready. If they are not you will be punished, understand?" I tell her harshly, she give a small nod and begins her tasks. I look back at one last time before leaving, I must talk to Alphys about this.
-Tiny time skip because ideas are hard to come by-
Sans has come home, late as always, but what is making me worried is Master hasn't come home yet. If his dinner is cold he'll hurt me again. I can't handle it....I cut. I have been since before I went underground, but Master treating me like this....makes it worse. I don't understand why, but it does. Master came home finally.
"SLAVE! Is my dinner ready?" I flinch as he shouts. I walk in and hand him his plate. His sharp teeth turn up into a smile.
"Good girl." I nod and turn to the stairs, I begin to walk away, he grabs my wrist opening some cuts, it hurts so I flinch in pain. I hope he didn't notice, but he lets go so, I'm in for it now.
"Slave, why did that hurt you? Let me see your wrists." Tears are in my eyes, and I hide my wrists instead. He starts to get mad.
"I demand you show me you're wrists immediately!" He says as he uses his magic to force my wrists into his hands he gently moves my (F/C) sweater off my wrists.
Papyrus POV (with you thoughts in italics)
My eyes widen as I move the sweater out of the way. Cuts, scars and some are bleeding, probably reopened when I grabbed her. I didn't know what else to do, I got down to her level and hugged her.
'He's hugging me!' She tried to pull away, I know she's extremely shy but I need to tell I care for her. If I don't this could escalate quickly.
"Hum- *Ahem* (Y/N), don't do this to yourself, please." I released her from the hug but stayed at her level, (like the picture above, without his hand in that position💜) so I'm less intimidating. "Will you tell me why you do that to yourself?" I asked her, I need a better understanding if I want to help her, I know this much because another person went through this..... I wasn't able to save them.
'I can't tell him! He won't understand... But maybe....' She mumbled something. I hate it when people mumble, but I need to not get mad.
"Please, (Y/N) speak up." I think I made her mad. Because for the first time since she was here, she yelled.
"YOU! You're doing this to me! You yell at me and treat me like a piece of TRASH! If you knew what I went through, you understand, but you DONT! And YOU NEVER WILL!! I HATE YOU!" And before letting me speak again she ran out the front door and left. I don't know what to do in this position. I need to find her, but she said she hated me....that hurt. I don't want her to hate me. Ugh! I'll just go find her!
-Yet another time skip because I'm lazy-
My breathing was ragged by the time I found her. She was talking to that damn flower. They hadn't noticed me ye-
"Well by the looks of things you should talk to him." The Flower winked subtly at me.
"I can't! That's why I'm telling you! If he found out... I don't know what would happen." She held her hands, was she crying? The flower looked at me, nodded then quietly left. I walked up to her.
"Tell me." She jumped up.
"NO! You don't deserve to know! You''ll..." She began to cry.
"I can't hurt you and be happy about it like Sans. (😂) You're special, cute, and always there. I know that I love you, and would never harm you. So please just talk to me." She looked at me, her tears had stopped, but remained in her eyes.
"Y-you love me?" She questioned. My eyes widened at that.
"OF COURSE! How could some one not?!" She smiled and kissed me. I slowly kissed back. Eventually she did talk to me, it took some work but she did nonetheless.
That took a lot longer than expected! I'm sooo sorry! But school is starting the 21st and I may not upload as much! I'm soooo sorry please forgive me!! Anyway I luv you all and Good bye for now my kittens.

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