Part 6 - The search

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Well, I think It's fair to say that the next few months were a blur.

Me and Steve worked together pretty much every day, poring through the latest intelligence reports and scanning satellite images of anything that looked remotely of interest, but it was an almost thankless task as we didn't seem to progress any further. All this in the hope of finding Mr Right  - sorry, the Winter Soldier.

I admired Steves commitment to the project.  Although he could be a bit serious and old fashioned, and, dare I say it without sounding like a complete traitor – a bit boring at times – it was easy to see that this whole thing was so close to his heart.   It was like he really considered Bucky to be his family and, as the weeks and months went on, I had learned a bit of what they had gone through together, and actually, parts of it were truly heartbreaking to hear.

Steve told me about how Bucky had been there for him when his mom had died and how much he'd looked up to Bucky as not only a mentor, but as a brother.    He told me how Bucky had really not wanted him to join the army because he was so protective of him, but how it happened anyway, and the Cap was born.

I learned about the Howling Commando's and their daring tales of heroics and general saving of the world

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I learned about the Howling Commando's and their daring tales of heroics and general saving of the world.

And then of course, Steve told me about when he thought Bucky had died

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And then of course, Steve told me about when he thought Bucky had died.   

I could see it was still so hard for him to talk about, even now, knowing that Bucky had survived, you could see that he was choking back the tears as he spoke about it.

I must admit, I was a complete wreck when I heard the story.  Lord only knows what Steve must have thought as I sniffled into my hanky and rubbed my eyes clear of tears.   Just the thought of my hero not being alive was altogether too much for me to think about.   

"You okay Magpie?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just so.....emotional.  You know me, I just get caught up in it all"

Steve smiled, put his arm around me and gave a little squeeze. "Well, no-one's ever gonna say you don't have heart".

God, he really is the sweetest, funny to think that for a time, I thought he was "the one".

Things can change in an instant.  Now I just see him as the older brother I never had, and it makes me feel warm inside.   

Lord knows, I think I'm going to need his support, as I've a feeling the next few months are going to get really hard.

And so, the weeks passed.  We researched and researched until I honestly thought we were going to find Atlantis or Big Foot, but we were still no closer to finding Him – the prize, the one, Mr Barnes.

I consoled myself with cardboard Bucky, who was starting to get a little tatty by now, presumably from being hauled in an out of my bed several times a week, and resigned myself to the fact that the cardboard version might be the nearest I ever got to those blue eyes.

Until that day.   Sorry, I'll say that again for extra emphasis – THAT DAY.

The day we had a siting.

Yay! Its happened!   

I guess the wedding is on again!

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