Drunk!Prussia x Reader x Drunk!England

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A short story but still, hope you like it.

"Uhh" England and Prussia said in unison.
England was the first to open his eyes; adjusting to the light, as he did so, a massive headache hit him. When he had enough willpower to not fall asleep again, he smack Gilbert on the head to wake him up from his sleep. Gilbert ended up drooling a bit, but still trying to shake through the hangover.
"What happened last night?" Arthur slurred a bit whilst holding his pounding head. All that he could remember from yesterday was that he was with Gilbert and Mathias, Gilbert thought to have a drinking contest which they all excepted to, and that was all he could remember.
"I don't know, but the awezome me dozen't feel zo good."
"I don't bloody care if you're ill, I want to know what the bloody hell happen last night!" He barked, but the pain in his head made him lose his balance his head fell onto something soft.
A pillow.
England noticed that they both were on a large comfy sofa.
"And where the hell are we?" He said trying to look around properly.
"Isn't zhis (Y/N)'s houze?" The Prussian said
"Indeed it is" He replied.
"How did we get to (Y/N)'s houze?" The Prussian asked again.
Arthur couldn't answer because the door to the kitchen opened, they knew it was (Y/N) due to her hair that always give a (H/C) glossy shine as soon as the light hits it, anyway, her back was turned towards them, but when she turned around she smiled lightly at them.
"Good morning, sleepy heads."
"Good morning, love" Arthur spoke first.
"Guten morgen!" Gilbert manage to get his voice back.
"Made you guys some breakfast, they'll be gentle for your stomachs." She placed a plate onto their laps.
"Love, can I ask one thing?"
"And what would that be Arthur?"
"What happened last night" He asked.
This made you choke up a bit of your drink when you remembered that moment yesterday.
Suddenly, you ended up giggling a bit uncontrollably.
"Vhat are jou thinking that is zo awesomely funny?"
"Don't you guys wanna know?"
"Has it got to do with last night." England replied.
"Maybe." You then had to swallow down some air to reduce your bright red face "As you two and Denmark thought it was an awesome idea to have a drinking contest."
She then continued, "After having only five jugs of beer you all seemed to have lost it, after a few minutes Denmark was taken back home by Norway and Iceland, then it was up to me to take you guys home, and that was a big problem."
"Vhy Vas Zhat?" Gilbert asked.
"'Cause I wanted to watch you two keep on dancing."
"We were both dancing?!" They both said.
"Not only that Gilbert gave an awesome singing voice that I had to video it."
"Can I see?" Gilbert simply begged.
You got your phone out to go on video's and showed the video.

(Go to 0.30 for the dance.)

After watching that they went quiet pale. But you couldn't hold in your laugh.
"I gotta say, that's a keeper" You smiled at the video.
"Please don't post this video." England was scared, very scared.
"Don't worry I won't" You said to them both.
"But also another thing how did we get to your house." England asked again.
"Well, the bartender had to help me a bit to get you two into the car, which I thanked him very much for." She looked kind of quirked away from them."Getting you two into the house was the main difficulty, Gilbert tried to get on top of my car, and Arthur, I had to hold your body up because I could see that you were about to collapse any minute then, but I manage to get you both in the house but you both suddenly knocked yourselves asleep immediately."
They were surprised that you could deal with them both being drunk (since they're part of the bad drunken trio.)
(Y/N) spoke up again, "Don't worry, I'll drop you both back home."
"Thanks" They both replied.
"But first enjoy the breakfast I made."

The next day~

Prussia and England entered in but everything was silence when they entered.
And also everyone were quite crowded around America.
"Hey, ze awezome me iz here." They look at them both then look back at whatever America held.
"America, what's going on did we miss anything."
America ended up laugh quite loudly "How did you miss anything, when you were the thing."
"Vhat do jou mean? Anything awezome happen?" Gilbert said
America showed them a video.
The same video (Y/N) had showed them.
A video of them dancing, they were both now pale again.
"I gotta say, you two should dance more often" Someone said behind them, they turned around and saw it was (Y/N).
"(Y/N) you said you weren't going to post it!" England almost yelled.
"1. I didn't post it I only sent it to Germany and America and 2.I posted it just after I videoed it so I can't really do anything about that."
They both sighed.
"Like I said you two should dance more often, I love how you two awesomely 'danced the night away'" After you said that, that made them both show a cheerful smile.
At the same time America yelled out," This is so going on my Facebook blog!"
"ohh, no you don't!" They started running after him just as Alfred ran out of the meeting room.  

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