Chapter VI

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Rey's POV

I wait in my bedroom, not sure what else to do. I say on my bed, twiddling my thumbs, thinking about Ben.

A soft knock rings through my room. I hop up and walk to the door. I crack the door open, revealing a tall black figure.

"Rey," he says,

"Kylo," I say as I open the door wider. I motion my hand and allow for him to come in.

"Would you like to have lunch in here or with me in the mess hall?" He asks casually.

I think about all the troopers, most likey staring.

"I'll eat in here," I say quietly. A small glimpse of disappointment flashes across Kylo's face, but disappears quickly.

"Alright," he says. "I'll send a trooper with lunch for you," he says. He walks towards the door, a small lump on his left side. What happened?

He opened the door and left. I wish I would've gone with him. It wouldn't be so quiet in here.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I open it and see a stormtrooper holding out a tray of food. I grab it, trying not to touch his gloved hands, and walk back into my room closing my door with my foot.

I eat half of the food they gave me and saved the rest of it for later. I see a small bookshelf next to the door leading to Kylo's room. I pick out a book about ships from long ago. After a good few hours of reading, they're was another knock on my door. I scramble off comfortable couch and open the door. It was Kylo. He wore a slim fitting black tank top, showing off his biceps, black sweatpants and track shoes. An outfit similar to mine.

"Would you like to go to the gym with me?" He asks, "I was hoping we could do a little more training today," his eyes look bashful and a small smile plays on his lips.

"Sure," I reply, smiling back.

He starts to walk off. I run into my closet and struggle to slip on my tennis shoes. I slam my door and run after him. When I catch up, he stops and turns. This wasn't the same gym as last time.

He opens the door and holds it for me. I look up and see the walls and floor are black. The ceiling is sprinkled with lights. In one corner of the large room is a small box.

Kylo jogs over to the box and pulls something out. A lightsaber.

He holds it in both of his hands and walks over to me, a large smile on his face.

"I, uh," he stutters, "I had this specially made for you," he says as he holds the saber out.

I take it, wondering why it would be so special. I torn it over in my hands and find why is special. My name is engraved in cursive next to the belt loop.

I look into his eyes. "Thank you," I say, almost in a whisper.

He looks pleased, like he just got something of his chest.

He pulls his lightsaber off his belt and lights it. I stare at my saber for a few more seconds before I ignite it.

Kylo now looks vicious, murderous. He lunges at me, and I block his attack. Then I attack and he blocks. We go back and forth for what seems like hours.

He finally starts to relax, and that's when I strike. I twist hours lightsaber with my own and it flies in the air. I catch it with my free hand and point them both at Kylo's neck. It would be so easy to kill him, right here. But I can't bring myself to do it. Some part of me can't live without him.

Kylo raises his hands in a surrender. I laugh and power of both lightsabers. I hand his back to him and we both clip then onto our belts.

"That was very good," he laughs wiping sweat of his brows. I smile at him and he smiles back.

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