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HALE FELT LIKE HE was on top of the world as he raced across the field, the whole pitch spread out before him and the wind tearing through his hair. He knew Dylan and Elliot were on his heels in the hopes of stealing the ball from his possession, but his attention didn't stray from the goal straight ahead of him, with only one thing in mind. Get the ball in that net.

Will, who was playing defence for the other team, skidded in front of him and blocked his path with a mocking grin. Hale was quick to return it as he feinted to the right and easily sidestepped, twisting his stick at the last minute to avoid Will's check. He ran past Will and called over his shoulder, "Better luck next time, dumbass!"

"Eat a dick!" Will yelled back.

"Ryves, Chen!" Mr Lewisham blew his whistle impatiently from the sidelines and jabbed a finger at Hale. "Keep  the trash talk to the changing room, ladies, and make that shot!" 

Hale tapped two fingers to his temple as he sprinted past Lewisham and continued to the goal. The goalkeeper, Oli, lowered into a ready stance at Hale's approach but Hale saw his uncertain expression through his grated helmet and seized the hesitation. Oli wasn't a bad player but his lack of confidence was his downfall, and Hale was one of the stronger players on the team. He aimed for the far left corner of the goal and flicked his racquet, the ball a red blur as it streaked through the air.

Triumphant whoops and cheers from Hale's team sounded as the ball slammed into the netting. Hale wheeled around to face his teammates with a grin, bumping fists and clapping shoulders as they congratulated him on the shot. Hale revelled in the attention and remembered why he loved lacrosse. He'd been among the others earlier in the changing rooms groaning and griping about having to play in such arctic conditions, while Lewisham was entirely unconcerned about their plight.

As much as it sucked dragging himself out into the frigidly cold air, freezing his ass off on the frosty field while Lewisham barked orders at them off pitch bundled up in a huge coat with a hot coffee, nothing would beat the rush of adrenaline and energy that came with outstripping the other team and landing a goal. Yeah, the exercise was good and his body was in great shape and all that shit, but Hale really just enjoyed lording victory over the other team when he smashed defeat in their face.

Okay, so he was a little competitive. So what? Lewisham didn't care how he won as long as he did.

"Hey, fuck you," Will said cheerfully, miming hitting Hale over the head with his racquet. "You think you're the shit just 'cause you can make some fancy shots, huh?"

"Oh, William, jealousy is not a good look on you," Hale smirked. "Maybe if you actually gave a shit about this game you'd win."

Will laughed, truly unconcerned. "Yeah, maybe, but that's just way too much effort."

William Chen was a walking contradiction. He was lazy as fuck, but he played on the football and lacrosse team with Hale. Hale suspected he only joined out of boredom and because all their friends did, because Will never expended much energy into the game beyond catching the ball when it was passed to him and making jokes at inappropriate times. Hale knew he was pretty good at not giving a shit, but Will took it to a whole new level because he really didn't give a shit.

About anything. It was pretty badass, actually. It was one the reasons they'd become friends, Will's absolute lack of caring about anything or anyone beyond sleep and food. One week into year seven and Hale dared him to jump into the school pond, more as a joke to amuse the class than anything he expected to be taken seriously. When eleven-year-old Will had actually done it, clothes and all, he'd been given a stern talking to and Hale had found his new best friend.

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