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Brooks really needed to do well in his upcoming chemistry test, and Calla's relentless chatter in his ear was as impossible to ignore as it was distracting. He loved Calla, he really did, but the girl sure knew how to fill a silence. She was so chatty he probably could have been replaced with a brick wall, and she'd be just as satisfied with the conversation. In all fairness, Brooks was about as charming and interesting as a brick wall, so no shocker there.

Brooks made a noncommittal sound of agreement, not looking up from his textbook, but that wasn't enough to satisfy Calla. "Brooks," Calla said, poking him in the arm with a pencil with merciless vigour. She probably would have worn a bloody hole into his arm if it wasn't blunt. "Brooks, look, isn't he hot?"

"Uh, why are you even asking me?" It was difficult to stomach the irrational flutter of nerves at such an innocent question. He knew Calla didn't mean anything by that, that he was just paranoid, but it didn't ease his discomfort. "How should I know? I don't know if guys are attractive or not. It doesn't mean anything to me. I can't make a judgement."

He had to bite his lip to cut off his stupid rambling. Jesus, how much more obvious could he get? She might not have suspected anything before but she would definitely think something was up now. Why did he never have the words when he needed them, yet he couldn't shut up at the wrong times? When the accusations didn't come flowing in from Calla, he snuck a glance up at her. She was too busy making googly eyes and drooling at her newest crush.

Curiosity won over his need to study and he followed her gaze across the library. Seeing as it was their free period, the school library was mostly filled with sixth formers, either revising over laptops and books or chatting with friends in low voices. The loudest contributors, unconcerned by the rules and regulations of the library, were Hale Ryves and his posse. Unsurprisingly, Calla's infatuation was directed at the ringleader.

Okay, Brooks could silently agree with that one. He was hot. However, that was the extent of his agreement on Calla's judgement. Yes, Hale had high cheekbones and perfect bone structure and hair that looked so silky he could have threaded his fingers through it for hours, but his achievements didn't extend beyond a pretty exterior. He was a troublemaker, a class clown, the kind of guy who would mock a teacher or bully someone just to make his friends laugh.

He was also "popular", and therefore wouldn't reduce himself to associate with anyone who didn't fit in his clique. He was clearly too cool for that. Brooks watched as he scrunched up yet another piece of paper (did he even care about the environment? obviously not, it was stupid of him to even consider it) and lobbed it at the back of the librarian's head. When she turned to scold the offender, Hale feigned a look of innocence betrayed by the sniggers and snickers of his friends.

His response to her admonishment was dismissive enough to be rude, and the poor librarian turned bright red, stammering an attempt at regaining her dignity. Whatever he replied was lost to Brooks, but it was definitely rude.

"What an idiot," Brooks murmured, so only Calla would hear. "Why would you like him? You can do way better, Cal."

Calla wasn't the only girl after his heart, and Brooks knew he wouldn't hesitate to toss his best friend aside with the others. The entire female population fawned over him and his dumb friends, as if making crude jokes and kicking a football around in the mud was so attractive. Hale was brutal when it came to his numerous love interests; he hooked up with the girl and ditched her the same night. Brooks didn't want to see Calla among the heartbroken.

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