brooks {part 2}

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sixteen ;
b r o o k s

{ cont. }

"WHAT WAS ALL THAT about?" Calla looked puzzled as she looked in Hale's direction. "It was so strange. He had a free run and looked like he was actually going to make a shot, but then he just stopped. Out of nowhere."

"That's what happens when you allow delinquents to play sports," Bellamy said haughtily. "They just mess everything up."

Brooks stared at her. "What?"

"I have to leave you now. The cold does horrendous things to my hair," Bellamy said solemnly, touching the golden blonde tresses. She apparently didn't notice Calla twirling a finger by her ear, mouthing she's lost it. "But I'll see you at the weekend, okay? Come round for dinner on Saturday. My mum will be so happy she'll cook a feast."

She blew him a kiss and made a beeline for the bathroom, most likely to fix whatever horrendous damage the cold had apparently done to her hair. "For the record, Brooks, you could do a million times better," Calla informed him, her attention fixing on something behind him. "Hey, isn't that your brother's jackass friend? The one who always gives you a hard time?"

Brooks followed her gaze and groaned, quickly yanking the hood of his coat over his head as if it could grant him miraculous camouflage from his enemies. He peered out from beneath the hood to confirm the terrible truth and sure enough, there was Reed, in all his demon spawn glory. His mop of shiny blonde hair masked the devil horns that would undoubtedly be protruding from the crown of his head.

"Jesus fuck," Brooks muttered, knowing full well his mother would ship him off to Christian camp for all of eternity if she ever heard him say something so blasphemous. "What is he doing here? He's supposed to be on the swim team! Adam said so himself!"

Calla raised an eyebrow at him. "Maybe he's on the swim and football team?"

"Stop being logical, Calla. It really isn't helpful in these trying times."

Brooks' pitiful attempt at hiding in his coat thankfully went unnoticed, as Reed was engrossed in the game and didn't seem to have spotted him. Just to be safe, Brooks redirected his attention in a safer (and much more appealing) direction, towards Hale. Mr Lewisham had benched him and he didn't look pleased in the slightest about it, scowling at any of the Woodway team who dared look at him.

What had that been about? Calla seemed to have forgotten about it already, chattering about some new dress she wanted to buy, but Brooks' curiosity was piqued. Hale had been looking at him, and it was certain he'd seen Bellamy kiss Brooks. Was that the reason for his expression, the rare glimpse at all his cocky veneer stripped away? Brooks felt the fragile flame of hope in his chest, and tried in vain to extinguish it.

That wasn't going to happen. Hale was straight. Maybe he'd thought - hoped - there was a possibility at one point, after the kiss, but Hale had confirmed the truth when he hadn't denied he was straight. It was as much a rejection as anything, especially after Brooks came out as gay to him, and Brooks had to accept that even if it hurt.

The match was concluded, as unsurprising as it was dismal, at three-to-ten in Woodway's favour. Two of those point had been thanks to Hale, and Lexus had suffered considerably more after he'd been pulled. Victory for Woodway wasn't as sweet as it may have usually been, seeing as it was taken for granted that they would win, and they seemed almost bored as they went through the obligatory routine of handshakes and "good game" that neither side believed.

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