Chapter 1: Awakening

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You need to wake up Jake

You need to do something very important for me.

Jake, wake up.


Bright green grass cuddles the curled figure. It slowly shifts in its slumber, beginning to awaken. The creature, a human, stands to meet the sunshine.

I yawn as I streatch my arms and legs. It feels as if I have been asleep for an eternity. My back aches, yet I don't remember doing any hard work. As a matter of fact, I cannot remember much at all. All I can remember is my name. My name, is Jake.

I approach a small orange backpack marked 'Jake' on the flap. I open the flap and peek inside to view it's contents. I find a sword, an axe and a pickaxe, all of which appear to be made of tin.

I inspect the various tools, which seem to be in surprising condition. I pull out the axe and lug it onto my shoulder. I scan the area around me and note that I am standing in the middle of a forrest. I take the axe off my shoulder and raise it above my head to strike the nearest tree.

"Hel.." called a voice, interrupted by a moving axe. In a split seccond I tilt the axe just out of the way, only shaving the tip of the boy's hair. "Hey! I want to introduce myself and you introduce your axe? How rude!"

"Who are you?" I ask. "I'm Connor, professional guide, at your service," he replied, standing up straight and giving a comedic salute. "So, you give people tips and stuff?" I ask, noting a small purple book lying on the ground. He picks up the book and puts it away in a small pouch strapped to his side. "Not just any advice, how to a craft, how to attract people, what you should do next..." "Wait, there's more people here?" I interrupt. "Yeah, lots. I hear they are a really nice bunch. If you follow my advice, you'll be just fine."

I return my axe to my shoulder and raise it again to chop the tree. It takes a few strikes, but soon it falls over and breaks into ten pieces. I pick up all the wood and place it down on the ground in a straight line. "Ah, making a house I see?" says Connor. "Yep, unless you want to sleep under moonlight," I add.

I spend most of the day collecting wood and building a house. I manage to add doors, a table and chair and walls. There is even a small porch in front of the main entrance. "Nice job buddy, all we need now is torches," complemented Connor. "Okay, how am I to get those?" I ask. "You will have to slay slime of course!" answered Connor.

No sooner than he said this, a small, blue, hemispherical thing fell from the sky and landed a few meters away from us. "Is that it?" I ask. "Yeah, that's a Blue Slime," answers Connor. Unimpressed, I swing my sword trough it, and it dies in a puff of smoke. All that remains is a piece of gel and ten copper coins. "Cool, now you can make some torches. Just combine the gel with some wood and you'll be sorted," said Connor.

The duo continue to gather resources for the remainder of the day and eventually they settle down in their humble adobe.


The being hovers in the void, looking over the newly regenerated world, it's ancient hands clasped behind it's back.

Look at them. How pathetic. They think they stand a chance. They think they can change things. Well, that is not the reality, and they will discover that soon.

It begins to laugh manically at the creation, and the simple-minded creatures who didn't know what was in store for them...


Hey guys!

Ooh. Very dramatic. So that was chapter one. I wonder what is "in store" for chapter two. Only time will tell. 


Like I said, feel free to give me tips, tricks or other comments as you wish.

Thanks everyone!


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