Chapter 3: Alternative Views

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Awake in a void.
Darkness surrounding.
Enclosing the being in worry and uncertainty.
The being is experiencing an emotion that it has never felt before.




The young man rolls over and throws the cotton sheets over his head again. I try to reach and grab the edge of the sheet. He groans. "It's time to get up buddy, rise and shine!" I say. He opens his eyelids, revealing the brown irises underneath. Eventually he responds with words. "Huh, what's the time?" "It's around nine, Jake." I answer.

I return to our common area to prepare a suitable meal for the adventurer. A hero needs lots of proteins and vitamins. My hero. I consult one of my... recepie books to get some ideas on what to make. Many of the meals inside are too complicated to make with what we have, so I turn to a classic.

As I finish preparing breakfast, Jake lumbers down the stairs, looking a bit scruffy this morning. "Bad night?" I ask, and present him with a sandwich. "Yeah" he replies. "A dream, that's all," he tells me, and grabs a bite. "Really?" I say. I was warned about this...

"What did you dream about?" I ask. "It's nothing, really." "You sure?" I say. "Yes Connor," Jake replies. "Well then. In that case you can get to work," I say.

Since I can't get anything out of him, it's better that I just set him some objectives. After all, these objectives will help him progress...

"So what do you want me to do?" he asks me. I think to myself. Hmm. "Go collect some cobblestone and gell, and some wood and we'll be good to go." "What do we need those for?" he asks me. Ahh Jake. So innocent...

"We are going to use them to craft a furnace."


Before you say: I know. This chapter is extremely short. Just to give you an Alternate View of the story.

Wink wink nudge nudge.

I may have another chapter ready over the next month.

As usual, feel free to give me tips, tricks or other comments as you wish.

Thanks again!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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