Chapter Two

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I wake, hearing loud, repetitive beeps. I try to move this time and it works. My hand moves. I want to smile. I'm not dead. I'm alive.

My eyes open, with much resistance, immediately searching for him. There's no one in the room. I'm hooked up to IV's, there's a tube I'm breathing through. A tube that is lodged deeply in my throat. As I stare at it, my heart begins to pound harder, the machine records the increase. What the hell? Frantically, I look around. I'm in a hospital bed but I'm still in the palace. I can tell by the furniture and expensive wallpaper. The room is covered entirely with extravagant bouquets. The scent of flowers is overwhelming.

It's dark outside the windows, the room is bright with light though.

I'm weak. Truly weak. I don't understand what's happening. Why I'm in a private room. Why I'm hooked up to all these machines. Why I wasn't breathing on my own.

How long have I been like this? Where is Henry?

I'm drowsy, but my tears of fear move down the sides of my face into my hair. Within moments, a woman opens the door in a white scrubs. She peers in and seeing me, her eyes widen.


She holds up her hand. "I will get another nurse so we can remove the tube. You are okay. Don't panic."

I stare at her as she leaves the room again, trying not to think.

Where is my baby? Where is Henry? The nurse walks in once more, followed by another woman, who's older than her. She smiles, carrying a pitcher of water in her hands.

"Ma'am, I'm Jackie." She looks at the monitor for a moment, before she looks down at me. "We are going to remove this now. I want to tell you what we are going to do so you aren't fearful. I am going to suction down your breathing tube then remove the cuff. After that, I will be able to remove the tube from your throat, alright? You will feel discomfort as it is removed but it will only be a few moments."

I nod, slowly, glancing at the other nurse watching. Jackie looks at her too.

"Get someone to inform the royal family that she is awake, please, Rose."

Rose nods and hurries from the room. I watch as Jackie efficiently and quickly goes through the steps of the procedure. As she begins removing the tube, I feel like I'm going to choke. It burns but only for a moment because it's out just as quickly.

I can't stop coughing. She pulls my hair back, watching me intently until I can stop. When I do, she reaches for the water and a cup. I take it from her eagerly, noticing that my hands are trembling weakly as I bring it to my mouth.

I take a sip and close my eyes, enjoying the coolness against my fiery throat.

"Can you tell me your name?" Jackie says after a moment.

I look at her, blinking in surprise. "M-Mia."

"And who is your husband?"

"Henry, The Prince of Wales," I utter, hoarsely. She nods, smiling softly.

"Mia, you were in a coma. Do you understand that?"

I look around me. "A coma?"


"Where's my baby?" I breathe, looking up at her, wide-eyed.

"Your son is healthy and well. Everything is fine."

Son. I smile, softly. "My son?"

She nods. "Yes, ma'am. You have a boy."

Oh, thank god. I close my eyes in relief. When I open them again, my vision is slightly blurred. I know I'm still heavily medicated.

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