Chapter Three

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I reluctantly take to my hospital bed again, subjecting to pokes and prods of antibiotics. They want to observe me overnight, make sure my vitals are well enough to leave this room without them.

Seeing my child has given me strength, given me a reason to want to heal as fast as I can. I lay my head back into the pillows, glancing at the bouquets on the tables, on the counters and windowsills. It's night but I'm too excited to sleep.

The door opens slowly, and my eyes flicker to the doorway. The person that appears shocks me into silence. Richard inhales, smiling when he finds me awake. In his hands are white roses, which he lays down on the table.

When he looks back to me, after excruciating silence, I bow my head to him. "Your Highness."

"Mia, I was overjoyed to hear you had awoken. So was Nicole, truly."

There's something in his eyes that makes me think the opposite. There's a dislike that is stronger than it was before. Still, I smile.

"Thank you. For the flowers as well."

He clasps his hands together over his immaculate suit, sighing softly as his eyes scan over the vast selection of bouquets. "Yes, you have quite the lot of friends. Many people have wished you well over the last weeks... the entire world really."

I raise a brow of suspicion. "What do you mean?"

He chuckles, as if I'm catching him off guard. "Surely Henry told you by now. I thought it would be the first thing he'd do."

"Tell me what?"

"The news broke of your difficult and dangerous birth, of the coma and how Henry couldn't bare to leave your side, and was slammed on every relevant news page around the world." He smiles, as if I were the thing he hated most in the world. "You are beloved on every continent now. Everyone will be overjoyed to know you're awake and well."

I stare at him, unable to hide my shock. I understand now why he's looking at me this way. As his approval weans further, ours catapults to the top.

"Rich, what are you doing here?" Henry asks, letting a group of men walk past him. They're holding a small cot and the crib. He's got Alexander tucked into his arms.

Richard smirks. "Just saying hello and how glad I am to see she's feeling better."

Henry glances at me, a hint of suspicion in his eye before he directs them back to his brother. "It's been a good day."

Richard nods, walking to him as the uniformed men leave the room again. He rests his hand on Henry's shoulder. "Yes, it has."

Henry smiles, cautiously as Richard walks towards the door. Grasping onto it, he turns.

"Oh, Henry?"


"We will announce her recovery at ten tomorrow to the public, together."

Henry tilts his head, as if that bothers him but he nods. "Of... course, brother."

Richards nods once and looks to me. "Rest well, Mia."

The door shuts and Henry looks at me, pursing his lips. I smile, humming.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. He comes to me, holding out Alexander. I take him eagerly.

"I thought you'd like to say goodnight. I know they're holding you here prisoner."

"If only we could run away," I chuckle, kissing Alexander's warm head.

"I secured us a home," Henry says, excitedly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I look up at him, eyes wide. He nods. "Not at Kensington, not here... but our own place. It belongs to the crown but Richard has agreed to let us live there."

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