Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The plane is dead quiet. My nails have been bitten down too far, my gaze frozen on the air pad, waiting for Henry to show up with the babies. There are over fifteen people in seats and yet there isn't a sound.

Their king almost died tonight. The heir to England's throne is missing. I turn, looking at Ivan, who is touching the condensation on his glass of water.

"Do you need something else?" I ask, quietly, walking towards him. "Something stronger?"

He shakes his head, with a small smile. "I'm fine."

"Your head?"

"Just a headache, Mia. I've got a thick skull."

I sit down across from him, grasping his hand. "I'm scared."

"Don't be," he murmurs, shaking his head. "She has done what no one believed was possible. She almost murdered him- she took his baby... he will not be forgiving with her."

"Do you mean... torture?"

"Yes," he utters, softly. "Do not worry. He will get your son back."

I nod, swallowing. I know Henry has a dark side, one he controls well. I know he is a protector. And I know he loves his child. He will find them, I do believe that.

"I failed him," Ivan says, surprising me. I frown as he looks at me, breathing in deeply. "He trusted me to keep him alive and I failed him. I went down with one blow."

"To the head. With a pan, Ivan."

"I was the one who hired Sylvia, the servant girl. I- she fooled me. And as his advisor, his bodyguard, I should have seen it coming. All of this. I should have known Nicole was this evil."

"No one would have stopped him from doing what he believed was right. But you are not to blame for this. Henry isn't to blame. No one is but Nicole. Henry doesn't hold this against you, I promise."

He closes his eyes, shaking his head. "I should be out there with him."

I swallow, glancing back to the window. "I'm sure... I'm sure we'll hear from him soon."


"Donne moi la clé de 5b," I order, holding out my hand to the attendant behind the counter. It's dawn, the sun is pouring in through the windows. The gentleman behind the counter glances at the five men in uniform behind me. "Now," I snap with urgency.

The man quickly hands me a key, nervously. I head for the stairs, my chest huffing with an overwhelming amount of anger.

"Make sure he signs a non-disclosure agreement," I state to Hart. "Get his word he will not speak of this. The rest, come with me."

My heart pounds through my chest as I take two steps at a time, my head throbbing. I can't stop. I have to find them. Before I'm even aware I'm doing it, I hold out my hand for a gun and Billie sets it into my hand without argument, the silencer already around the front of it.

I ready it, holding it up in front of my face, exactly like my father taught me to the moment I turned ten years old. When I come to the door, I don't hesitate. Billie pushes the door in with his leg and it swings open easily. I immediately recognize Alexander's cries as I storm in, finding a large man standing from a seat in the corner. He is standing, reaching quickly for his gun but I'm already ahead of him.

I pull the trigger and the bullet hits him directly in his stomach. He falls back, hitting the wall before his body gives out, sliding to the floor. His eyes begin to shut, blood falling from his lips in spurts. I don't wait to watch him die. I walk to the box on the bed, dropping the gun onto the ground.

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