Chapter Fifteen

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Henry steps into the house, walking slowly. I stare at him, feeling only fear. The look on his face isn't one of determination. But of defeat.

In his hands is a bright red portfolio. He stops a few feet away from me and finally looks up from the ground.

Alexander sleeps as I hold his head to my shoulder. Henry looks between us, desolately.

"I will be king today," he whispers, his voice lacking emotion. My eyes widen suddenly as our reality hits. Once again, we will be moved from a home. Except this time, there's no leaving. There's no leaving Buckingham again. Our lives as they were before are over... for good.

Mrs. Ike is standing by the kitchen, a small towel pressed to her chest. Her eyes are wide too. Ivan stands behind him, beside Daniel. They both have their heads bowed in silence, knowing that this has to feel like defeat for Henry.

This is his worst nightmare, coming true.

"I wanted you to know before I went to Buckingham... I have asked to be the one to tell Richard... to spare him the embarrassment."

Ivan steps up, grasping Henry's shoulder. "You are doing the noble thing, Henry. The world will appreciate it. They will know your sacrifice."

Ivan speaking his mind, helping Henry in his time of need brings a tender smile to my face... At least we aren't alone. We have much more than Nicole and Richard ever did.

We have our friends. Our allies. Each other.

Nicole and Richard went into this because he was the next in line, because it was his turn. It's not Henry's turn. Henry is doing this solely for his country. Only I know how powerful his sacrifice actually is. What he's turning his back on.

Henry nods to Ivan, but can't seem to smile. I fear I won't see one for a long time. I turn, looking at Mrs. Ike. She comes over quickly and I carefully hand her Alexander, who doesn't fret.

They all leave the room in a eerie silence, probably digesting how their world is going to change too. I walk straight to Henry, resting my palm against his tight jaw, caressing his freshly shaved skin.

"You are my hero, Henry," I murmur softly.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, his eyes squinting, showing his pain. I shake my head, smiling. He leans in, kissing me softly. "I will see you tonight."

I nod as he turns, making his way back to the Bentley waiting to transport him to the palace. Ivan looks my way as he shuts Henry in and rounds the car. I cross my arms over my body, trying to breathe. Trying to figure out how to get through this.

I watch Henry stare at the leather seat in front of him, staring off into some surely frightening part of his mind. I watch them go, hoping that Richard resigns without a fight.

However, that seems unlikely.


"I need to speak with the King and Queen privately. Please let them know I have arrived."

"They have both asked not to be disturbed, Your Highness," the frightened servant informs. I shake my head, breathing in deeply. It's moments like these that make me remember why I'm being forced to do this.

"Then tell them it's urgent."

"Yes, sir," he nods, bowing. I watch him walk towards the large staircase before I look down at the Porfolio that contains the document for Richard to resign from his royal duty.

"The meeting will be held in the King's bedroom," the young servant says when he comes back. I nod.

"Thank you." I walk up the stairs, feeling the weight of every step.

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