Chapter Sixteen

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I'm walking through the garden, biting my nails in worry. I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach, I feel a shift in my world. I'm scared and I don't know why.

But something is wrong. I take a seat, pressing my hands to my head.

I see a movement at the door and I look up, smiling, thinking it's Henry. Billie is there though, looking pale. I stand up immediately as he makes his way to me hurriedly.


He swallows, shaking his head. "I-Ivan just called. You need to get to the palace as soon as possible."

"Why? Is Henry okay?" I breathe, pressing my hand to my chest.

"... His brother is dead."


I jump from the car, sprinting into the palace before anyone can stop me. There are servants and guards and police that fill up the entire entrance way leading to the stairs. Everytime I breathe, a hoarse sound comes from my throat but I continue to run, taking two steps at the time.

"Mia, slow down!" Billie says, behind me. I ignore him, feeling Henry here already. In these constricting walls, I feel his pain. I make it to the top of the stairs and Ivan's head swivels to where I'm standing. The hall is completely empty apart from him.

Ivan's face is ghostly pale, his eyes frantic. It's the first time I've ever seen him undone- ever. He meets me halfway but I don't stop moving. I see the door. I know I need to get inside.

"Mia, he's been- screaming for over an hour. I've been hearing objects being thrown about. I had everyone cleared out for his privacy."

I grab his arms, shaking him. "How did this happen, Ivan?"

"Richard shot himself, Mia. Henry heard Nicole screaming for him to stop and he tried to get back to the room in time but-"

I shake my head, tears coming to my eyes. "No, he didn't hear it. Please, tell me."

"He heard it. He was outside the door," Ivan whispers, looking just as fearful as me. "I... have never heard him scream like that. I knew he'd only speak to you. No one's been inside."

I press my hand to my heart, rubbing. I won't deny my body isn't used to exerting itself anymore. There is pain.

"Are you alright?" Ivan asks, looking down at my hand. I nod, swallowing.

"I-I need my medication. Please, I left my purse in the car. It's downstairs still."

He nods, hurrying from me already. "Right away."

I stare at the door, feeling the dark energy inside. The fact that he's been there with his brother's body for over an hour is frighteningly haunting. I wipe my tears but they replace themselves immediately.

I walk to the door, opening it without hesistation for I know if I think about it, my nerves will scare the hell out of me. The room is dark now, only lit by the descending sun outside the windows. I smell the putrid stench of blood the second I step inside. Seeing Richard's body lifeless on the floor, I begin to have a hard time breathing. My eyes immediately search for Henry.

I find him sitting on the edge of Richard's unmade made, his shoulders slumped. He doesn't even seem to realize I'm standing there. He's staring ahead into the wallpaper, his hands dangling between his legs. They are stained red. Even from where I'm standing, I watch the tears drifting silently down his unmoving face. Even from here, I can see he's numb.


My feet move forward slowly as I shut the door behind me. Henry's lip is cut open but not bleeding. His eyes slowly ascend to mine when I block his view of the wallpaper. I hate what I see behind them.

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