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     i was awoken by my alarm playing "now or never" by halsey. i turned over and shut it off before walking to my bathroom to get ready. i washed my face, did my makeup, and brushed my hair before putting on a random hoodie. so what if it's may? the studio is fucking cold. i grabbed my phone and and keys and immediately left for the studio. l.a. traffic is the absolute worst. 

     it took me almost two hours to get the studio. i parked my car and locked it before heading inside. "name?" the front office lady asked me. "lauren. lauren brooke" i replied as i fiddled with my keys. "take a left, walk past past three hallways, then make a right where you'll be met with the studio". "okay thank you". i walked and did as told. i'm surprised i remembered where to go. i came face to face with a wooden door, and purple light creeping through brian and you must be lauren" "correct" i said as i sat down. "so, is today a writing or a recording day?" "well i have a song all written out if you wanna take a look and revise it" "sure thing" he said as he looked over it. 

     twelve hours later and the song was finally close to being finished. i completely turned off my phone during the process. brian said the song was really good and didn't need any editing. i felt accomplished. we recorded most parts but i never felt like it was good enough no matter how often brian said it was. i realize though, none of my personal work will be good enough to my self standards. around 10 he said i had to go home and sleep. i hopped into my car and drove to jack in the box.

     i finally came home and took off my bra. i threw it into my bedroom and sat down to eat. what? that shit has been poking me all day. i finished eating at around 11 and started to get ready for bed. i finally turned my phone back on and took my make up off as my notifications blew up.   i brushed my teeth and took a shower before i even looked at my phone.

     once i settled into bed, i looked at my messages and snapchats. the first one i read was daniel's. he'd messaged me 18 times. i honestly thought it'd be more. 

darling: good morning lauren

darling: yo

darling: oh yeah you're at the studio

darling: that doesn't mean ignore me

darling: i'm bored

darling: jack's being annoying 

darling: help

darling: we have to go sent suits for sunday

darling: you already have your dress no fair

darling: we have to match smh

darling: i need help with songwriting

darling: and getting a girlfriend 

darling: i need friends 

darling: and jesus 

darling: love me.

darling: pleaseeeee

darling: if this song isn't number one on itunes imma be mad because you aren't responding 

darling: fine i''l let you work :( 

lauren: i worked on it for 12 hours but it still isn't good enough for me :(

darling: yOu aren'T dEaD!!

lauren: not yet :)

darling: noooooOoooo000 i need you

lauren: why?

darling: idk

lauren: wow thanks 

lauren: my bra made my work distracting

darling: then don't wear one?

lauren: you aren't help

darling: ik i get told on a daily basis

lauren: mmMmmm

darling: wyd tomorrow

lauren: stUdiO

darling: fUn

lauren: wbu?

darling: nothing 

lauren: i hate you.

darling: i'm excited for sunday

lauren: i'm not. 

darling: ouch.

lauren: you're the only thing making it exciting

darling: "thing"?

lauren: well you aren't human

darling: smh

lauren: i tired

darling: you sleep

lauren: fine.

darling: night beautiful.

lauren: night darling

darling: let it goooo

lauren: no

darling: niGHT 

lauren: nIgHt


SNAPCHAT//daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now