twenty one.

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     the next morning was incredibly painful. i woke up in daniel's arms that made me feel better. we all woke up at around noon. when i did wake up i saw i still had clothes on, specifclly daniel's shirt. thank the lord. i walked over to his bathroom to try and find some medication. the first thing i saw when opening his cabinet was the advil. i opened the bottle and took about three and laid back down with daniel when i heard a noise downstairs. a walked downstairs and saw tana on the floor. "tana why?" i whined as i helped the blonde get up. "i woke up like 20 minutes ago, loopy as shit" she said rubbing her head. "daniel has advil. i'll go grab it for you" i said as i walked back upstairs. i turned and bumped into somebody. shirtless. "sorry" i said looking up, i was met by a pair of blue eyes. "it's okay lauren. where's everybody else?" daniel asked. "i don't know. i just know tana is awake and sick" "advil?" he asked. "yep i replied as i followed him to the bathroom. he handed me the bottle as i walked downstairs, him following. 

     "i got the adivil" i said raising it above my head. "thank god" she said groaning as she took the bottle and opened it, popping three into her mouth. i sat down on the floor as my phone vibrated. it was a text from my manager reminding me that i had a studio appointment. "shit" i said falling on my back. "what's wrong?" daniel asked as he ate his watermelon. "i have a studio appointment today" i said pouting. "i can take you. get ready here. wear my shirt or something" he said lifting me up. "thanks danny" "anything, princess" you said kissing my temple. tana gave me look saying "we need to talk". i excused myself and followed tana upstairs to the bathroom. 

     "okay what the actual fuck was that?" she asked rather loudly. "one, don't be so loud. other humans are sleeping here. two, what was what?" "daniel. why is he calling you princess, kissing your temple, and WHY are you wearing his shirt? did y'all fuck or something last night?" "the hell? no we didn't fuck last night. he has always called me princess and i don't know why he's kissing my temple. or maybe i do...." i said, the last part quietly as it faded into air. "lauren! do you or do you not know what happened last night?" she asked in her serious tone. she's never serious. fuck i'm screwed. "i do. last night we were dancing and we kissed. we were both intoxicated last night. we didn't do anything afterwards, but we both acted as if it never happened. i don't know what's going on. i don't know my feelings for him. or what his feelings for me are. i just wanna sit in a studio and write a song" i said almost tearing up. tana noticed and hugged me like i was gonna die tomorrow. "write your feelings out sister. i can't say if he likes you or not, because i don't know. but know that i'm here. and of course jonah, jack, corbyn, and zach" she replied giggling. "thanks tana. i love you like a sister" "i love you too. now get ready you smell like alcohol" she said pushing me in the shower. she turned around and left as i undressed.

     after the shower i combed my wet hair and went through daniel's closet. i found his black sweatshirt and through it on, after putting my bra from last night on. i walked downstairs with my shoes and phone in hand. when i finally made it downstairs, everybody was looking at me as if i just killed somebody. "what?" i asked. "nothing, nothing. are you ready?" daniel asked. "yeah. i guess today is a no pants and no makeup day" i said sliding on the shoes from the night before. laughing, daniel just said "okay" as we left for my appointment. 

a/n whoop whoop ya girl finally updated!! school has already been an ass. oH AND GUESS THE FUCK whAT?! MY EX'S COUSIN IS IN ALL OF MY CORE CLASSES!! she's really nice but now i have a reminder everyday that he doesn't love me anymore. the worst part is that over summer i FINALLY got the fuCK OVER HIS ASS!! AND NOW I'M BACK TO SQUARE ONE! somebody please slap the shit out of me. thank you.

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