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lauren's pov

     the next morning i woke up with the sunlight waking me up. i rolled over and grabbed my phone and checked the time that read "10:38 am". i groaned and rolled over, trying to fall asleep for another 20 minutes. right when i was about to fall back asleep, my phone started to ring. i groaned loudly and checked to see who it was. "danny boy wants to facetime..." my phone read. i sat up and pressed accept."what?" i said. "wow somebody is grouchy" his voice said through my tiny device. "yeah well that's what happens when i miss 20 extra minutes of sleep" "sorry" "it's fine". "so are you excited for tomorrow?" daniel asked as he finally showed his face. he was sitting up in his bed, shirtless may i add. i tried my best to hide the tiny blush that was appearing on my cheeks.

     "yeah i'm excited. just remember that carter is going to be there" i replied. "yes i remember" "good. please no fighting. i know it'll be more him and than you, but please" "i'll try princess" "yeah no nicknames when you see him" "fine, fine" "thank you" i said as i got out of bed to make breakfast. i walked to the kitchen and placed my phone against the coffee maker and went to the fridge. from daniel's angle he had a great view of the sliding door and i, me not wearing any pants. just an oversized shirt and underwear. as i was in the fridge i found my fruits along with milk. i poured the ingredients into the blender as daniel complained about having to wear a suit to the show tomorrow. 

     i started the blender and daniel looked at me annoyed because he was cut off. "daniel, i hate dresses yet i'm wearing one tomorrow. you don't hear me complaining do you?" "no" he said looking down. "exactly. now shut up. i'm sure your going to look great as well as the other four boys" "how are you more mature than me? i'm older." "i'm a girl daniel" "ugh true" he responded as he finally got out of and walked downstairs. he set his phone in the kitchen as i sat down and looked at the part of the house that was showing. all i really saw was the kitchen and a brown leather couch.

     after a few minutes of talking to daniel somebody else came into the view. the boy had brown curly hair that looked perfect. he had a small nose piercing and his ears were pierced. "hey daniel, hey..." his words were cut off by the expression of confusion on his face. "i'm lauren" i said looking at boy. "i'm jack. wait... so you're lauren. BOYS LAUREN'S ON FACETIME!!" he yelled. i giggled as three other boys came flooding in. one boy at jet black hair with a jawline as sharp as daniel's, one had platinum hair, and the other had red cheeks. "hi" i said while trying to manage a giggle. "i'm jonah" the first boy said. "i'm corbyn. i'm the bean" the second boy said. "i'm zach" the last boy said. "well boys i'm lauren" i said smiling through the screen. after i said that the camera was moved, facing daniel. 

     "please, ignore them" daniel spoke with a pleading face. "no, they seem funnier than you" i said whining. "i like her" zach said. "why thank you" i replied as i got up to put my dishes away. i grabbed a water bottle and went back to my bedroom to start packing for my flight leaving in a few hours. "so what are you five doing today?" i asked as i found my suitcase in my closet. i pulled it out as daniel said "packing and leaving for the flight. you?" he asked showing me all five of them. i laid my suitcase down horizontally as my phone balanced on the floor. "same here. except i'm taking an actual plane instead of a private jet" "why though?" corbyn asked. "i don't like fancy things or taking things for granted. my label has one but i didn't wanna use it" "that's understandable" jonah said as he took a sip of his water.

     i grabbed a handful of bras and underwear as the boys just started. "what? never seen a bra before? i know daniel isn't as innocent as he looks so i don't expect the same from you four" i said folding them and placing them in the suitcase. the boys just stood there as their faces turned red. i rolled my eyes as i grabbed some tampons and liners in case my period came. the boys at that didn't seem to care as they all went to go pack. of course daniel brought his phone with him so i watched as he walked to his room. he finally put on a shirt and we talked about random stuff as we packed.

~ hours later~

     i sat down in the line of chairs filled with people, waiting to board to las vegas. i looked down at my airport outfit and rethought my life for a minute. i was wearing adidas sweatpants with a cropped sweater and adidas superstars. i zoned back into reality as i heard my flight being called "flight 302 to las vegas, nevada is now boarding" i sat up and waited in line before the front lady checked my boarding pass. before i knew it, i was in my seat. i looked out the window as the plane soon took off.

     a few hours later i had landed and i walked off the plane with my suitcase in hand. a walked towards the pick up lane and ordered an uber. as i waited for my uber, daniel sent me a message on snapchat. before i could answer it, my uber had already came. i hopped in and the man drove me to the hotel.

     as i stepped into the hotel, i plopped my luggage onto the bed. i turned my phone on and saw a text from carter. "just boarded  i'll be in vegas soon" i rolled my eyes as part of me was annoyed he didn't fly with me. but i moved on. i opened my suitcase and gathered my shower things. i placed them inside the shower and stripped down to where i was left nude. i walked into the shower and did everything you can do in a shower. i shaved, washed my body, and cleaned my hair. i also gave scrubbed my body with a coffee scrub.

       when i got out, i put my hair in braids and got dressed in an oversized t-shirt. i was ready to fall asleep when i remembered that daniel had messaged me earlier. i grabbed my phone and went to snapchat to open it.

darling: the plane is boring :(

lauren: oh poor daniel

darling: just when i was gonna fall asleep smh

lauren: i was about to sleep too but i remembered you messaged me

darling: whatever i'm gonna sleep

lauren: night danny

darling: night princess

a/n lmao i finally updated for y'all.

SNAPCHAT//daniel seavey Where stories live. Discover now