forty three.

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     the plane ride was long and boring. we left LAX at around six o'clock at night and arrived in Portland at around eight thirty. I had the window seat, seated next to daniel with jack on his left. the row behind us consisted of jonah, corbyn, and zach. "i'm scared" i told daniel as i turned to him. "don't be. if my family can welcome them" he said nodding to the boys mid sentence, "they'll accept you. trust me." he said holding my hands. "we can't do this if we aren't dating" i replied to our hands as i took mine out of his embrace. he nodded and continued to walk us to where his parents would meet us.

     we were all walking when we heard somebody yell "Daniel!" we turned around and saw an older woman with dark hair walk fastly, hugging daniel in the end. "mom, this is lauren, one of my closest friends. lauren, this is my mom, keri. the woman who birthed me." he said bowing for her. i did a little giggle and went to go shake his mom's hand, when she pulled me into a hug. "i'm a hugger" she said hugging me tightly. she let go and i introduced myself to his siblings and dad.

     after introductions, we all loaded the car with our little luggage.  we were only planning on staying for four days. during the car ride we were all in our own little conversations when keri spoke up. "oh daniel, i forgot to tell you, tomorrow danielle is going to come over for dinner!" she said excitedly. fear and anger swam over daniel's blue eyes as he said "yay. fun." he then looked at me worriedly. who's danielle?

     after the car ride we arrived at the seavey's. we set up the seating arrangements and agreed that i'd be sleeping in daniel's bed since we're the closest. he volunteered to sleep on the floor, but we both know that won't happen. i walked upstairs and followed him into his bedroom. it was as clean as it was back in LA. "so who's danielle?" i asked as i set my bag next to his window. "umm.... she's this girl that i had a thing with back in high school. we hooked up a few times but it was meaningless i swear" he said looking me in the eyes. "i don't care. we're just friends remember?" i asked with pain in my voice. "right..." he said looking down. "daniel you know well that we can't doing anything romantically" "yes lauren i know okay? it hurts so damn much but i know that we can't. i'm tired. i'm gonna get ready for bed. you should too." he said walking right past me. i went over to my bag and grabbed an oversized t-shirt with some shorts. i took my shirt and bra off, sliding the shirt on. same thing with the shorts.

     five minutes later, daniel walked in with just sweatpants on. no shirt. i walked over to his bed and slid in. daniel slid in to where our faces were close. if either of us moved, we'd kiss. guess what daniel james seavey did? he moved. right. to. my. lips. we had a nice five second kiss, but before it could be anything more than an accidental kiss, i pulled away. i looked at him and turned around so i was facing the wall. the last thing i remember was daniel putting his arms around my waist.

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