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Gerard brushed the black smudges left behind from the charcoal on his pants and closed the sketchbook.

He decides maybe a walk will help clear his head of all the thoughts that were floating around in there.They were mostly about his brother,Mikey.He thought about Mikey a lot these days.I'm going to go insane from missing him so much

He found himself headed towards the playground.He often came here when he couldn't sleep,which was most nights to just sit on swing and watch as the deep purple sky faded into the light pinks and blues of the early morning.Insomnia is a bitch

He went to grab his usual seat,except someone beat him to it,and they were holding enough pills in the palm of their hand to stop their own heart.

Gerard gently tapped the lad on the shoulder.The smaller boy must've been very deep in thought for this small action startled him sending his phone and the pills scattering.

"Excuse me?"

"I..I d..don't think y..you s..hould d..do t..his."

Fuck you stuttering

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I..I'm Gerard."

"Okay Gerard leave me the fuck alone and let me kill myself in peace."

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