The Unwise Caterpillar

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There once was a caterpillar named Edward.  Edward lived all alone on a patch of grass in a dog park.  Now Edward thought caterpillars were ugly, useless, and without purpose.  Because of this, Edward was always very sad.

One day, Edward saw a beautiful robin flying gracefully over a large, desolate parking lot.  The robin flew with such grace that made the parking lot look like it was calling out to Edward.  With this, he was inspired.

Later that night, Edward packed his bags, and said goodbye to his patch of grass.  Edward had lived here his whole life, so it was difficult to say goodbye. Edward fought back his tears, for he was leaving forever, to prove that caterpillars are awesome.

One year into his travels, Edward was halfway across the parking lot.  His weary eyes searched the horizon, and could just barely make out his patch of grass.  Edward smiled, and fell asleep, proud that he would be the one to prove the worth of all caterpillars.

Two years later, Edward saw the edge of the parking lot in the distance, he was so close.  He has spent three years trying to reach this very spot, and he was proud to have come this far.  He then decided to set up camp for the night, knowing that his old home lied far behind him, and a new life full of new adventures lay before him.  Edward closed his eyes, and dreamed of milkweed.

At dawn, Edward awoke with a jolt, his anticipation for this moment was rising and he could not wait any longer.  He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him,  and came to a brief halt, one step from accomplishment.  He closed his eyes, smiled, and lifted his leg to take the final step.  It was then that a two year old stepped on him and he died.

Moral of the story
Be happy with who you are

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