Carla x reincarnated reader

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She was queen of everything

She could kill anyone if you had crossed that line

She didn't even have to say anything to get what she wanted because everyone knew what it was

She was queen

Queen (y/n) with her beloved husband Carla

But one day she had found out her 'beloved' husband had been cheating on her and she went crazy.

She did not only kill the girl but also killed everyone that saw what had happened or tried to stop her.

She was drenched in blood...

Carla had no choice but to snap the neck of his love.

Her last words broke his heart even more

"I wish i never had kids and married you if I had known I was going to be betrayed like this."

((Skip to twelve years later.))

Carla loved his kids and never told them what had happened to their mother. The young twins were twelve and living happily. Carla was always up...

Always searching for a way to bring his beloved (y/n) back...

Even if she hated him.

A young boy and girl ran in
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"
He looked up and smiled at them tiredly
"Yes Amaila and Abel? I'm working."
"When is mummy coming back?"
Amaila said giggling as she tugged on Carla's shirt.
"Soon children but it's going to take longer if you keep interrupting me."
He said while smiling.
"Okay okay."
They both say as they ran away.

Carla sighed as he got up and went into a room that only had a coffin in the middle of the room. Nothing else was there but it. He opened the coffin and looked down at his beloved.
"I'm sorry for what I've done."
He kissed her gently then all of a sudden he gets thrown across the room.
"How dare you kiss me."
(Y/n) said, rising from her coffin.

She had awoken.

"(Y-y/n) please I'm sorry."
He walks to her and held her tightly.
"Our kids miss you. I miss you."
He whispered to her.
"You should of thought of that before you cheated on me..."
She growled at him and started walking for the first time in twelve years.
"H-how are you alive..."
He whispered
"I've healed and ready to rule again...but this time...without you."
She suddenly held a gun and pointed it to his heart.
"Ciao motherfucker."
She shot him and laughed like a maniac
"This world needs me but it doesn't need you."
She whispered before leaving him to die.

((Sozzle I know this was bad but oh well hehe. I hoped you all liked it and the next is Laito x wife reader lemon! See you all soon!))

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