Chapter 12

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Third Person

A single wave of dark auburn hair fell over the warrior's right shoulder as the helmet was pulled roughly off of their head. 

The helmet no longer cast a shadow upon the warrior's face, and in the light of the morning, revealed the face of a fair skinned maiden. The dark eyed, auburn haired warrior maiden held her shield on her left arm by her side, her right hand gripping a double bladed sword staff.

She was wearing silver and navy blue armor, similar to the armor of the Asgardian shield maiden, Lady Sif. Except instead of red, the colored pieces of her armor where navy blue.

She seemed not to notice the small crowd's surprised expressions as she glanced back quickly at the God of Mischeif, who was sitting in the gravel; wide eyed and looking somewhat surprised.

"Who are you?" Director Fury asked, clicking off the safety, finger on the trigger. 

"I am Lady Daenerys Romadottir, of Asgard, second Shield Maiden to the royal family. My duty is to protect any and all members of Asgard's royal family, no matter where I am. Heimdell observed this scheme of yours to execute the prince of Asgard with his all seeing eye. Normally one of the Warriors Three or Lady Sif herself would come, but both named parties are completing a mission for the All Father and were otherwise unavailable."  

The warrior, Lady Daenerys Romadottir, had an accent similar to an Australian accent on Earth. 

"Odin hastily sent me in their place, using the last of the Bifrost's stored energy to transport me here. I must speak with Thor, Loki, Lady Freya, Shield, and the Avenging members."

The aubrn haired warriors voice was stern and serious, as she conveyed the messages and requests of the all father to the party present.

"I see Thor over there, Loki behind me, and I believe this is Lady Freya?" She pointed the tip of her double edged blade at the dark haired pyro kinetic. Freya stepped forward slightly. "I am." She replied, the fireball in her hand disappearing. 

"Who did you say you were again?" 

"I am Lady Daenerys Romadottir, of Asgard. The second sheild maiden, Lady Freya."

"Second shield maiden... After Sif?" 

"Yes Lady Freya." 

"And by the 'Avenging Members', do you mean the Avengers?"

"Yes, I do believe that is what I meant."

"Then we're all here." Freya said, gesturng around.

"And Shield, coincidentally, is here as well."

Director Fury stepped forward, never lowering the gun. "Are you a friendly?" He asked her.

A smile spread across Daenerys' face as she chuckled lightly. "I like to consider myself friendly, yes."

Fury hesitated for a moment longer, his mind still in the balances between trusting this newly arrived Asgardian or shooting her down where she stood. 

Daenerys cocked her head to the right slightly. "I can sense your discomfort." She said, scrutinizing him.

She flicked her sword arm slightly, and the double edged blade retracted into the hilt. She tucked the retracted blade into her belt, which hung loosely and at an angle around her slim waist.

She looked back at Fury, oblivious to how much tenser he had become when she had whipped her double edged sword like that. "Does this make you feel more comfortable?" She asked, tilting her head to the right. Her auburn ponytail swung around freely and loosly behind her.

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