Chapter 1: Confessions

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Merlin's POV

Burning tears sizzled at my eyes as I stared down at Arthur. There was a lump in my throat, weighing down on me, urging me to reconsider. Arthur will hate me. He will never forgive me. The brotherly bond that had been created over all these years will be shattered. But magic is Arthur's only hope. After everything that we've been through, I will not let him die, even if it costs us our friendship.

"I'm-" I chocked. Arthur looked up at me in utter confusion. "I'm a-a sorcerer." I whimpered weakly.
It was as if a boulder had been lifted off my shoulders, but was replaced by another as I gazed down through misty eyes at Arthur, who was wearing an expression too shocked for words.
"I-I have magic. I use it for you, Arthur, only for you."
The shock ebbed away from Arthur's features as he clasped my shoulder and said "Merlin, you are not a sorcerer. I would know."
"Look-here..." I croaked and turned in the direction of the campfire.
The streaming river of liquid protruding from my eyes obscured my vision as I lifted my hand towards the fire and said "Upastige draca!"
The all-too familiar sensation coursed through me as I felt my eyes glow. The flames form the campfire rose and twisted itself into the form of a dragon, which danced with the other flames, and finally, fell back into the fire.

My head slowly turned back to Arthur, whose face was twisting in disbelief, denial, and finally, betrayal. I wanted to say something. Anything. But I found myself as unable of words as he was, and instead, hung my head. I could not bare look into his eyes, which once glistened in the moon's rays, but now were empty of emotion and life.

A sword of hurt plunged into my heart, withdrew, and plunged again. I had not expected my friend to welcome my new status with open arms, but did not foresee such unacceptance, either. Finally, Arthur's head turned away from my gaze and murmured, in a near-inaudible voice, "Leave me."
My stomach lurched. "A-Arthur," I tried to protest, but he wouldn't hear it.
"Just-you heard." He said, in a conclusive tone and looked away
I shakily got to my feet, moved away, and settled down on the other side of the fire. It felt as if I was falling, falling and drowning in the abyss of loneliness that had opened up because I had lost my friend. My friend, who I had accompanied in death-defying quests, no matter how big the chance of dying was. Who had called me the worst servant he ever had, but had turned to me in turbulent times. Who was the light in my darkness, my motivation when all seemed lost. My brother. My heart yearned for Arthur to accept me for what I was. I understood that it was hard for him. He had been stabbed by Mordred, who he had considered a friend for quite some time. But still....

I knew that it would require a miracle for me to sleep tonight. My head turned to Arthur, who was evidently unablesleep, either. I was left to stare up at the stars as recent events stalked my mind. But no matter what pain I had ever felt, nothing could ever compare to the one I felt now. Nothing. Could he ever forgive me? Only the morning could tell.

Author's Note

OK guys I'm REALLY sorry that this chapter was so short, but I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time doing this scene because all the dialogue and everything was directly copied from the episode, and there were no changes or different events. I'll try make the future chapters longer. This is my first fanfic so it sucks but I'll try my best to improve. Thanks Merlinians!

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