Chapter 22 Uneasy

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"That's it?" Izzy asked me as I took a bite on my sandwich, "He just disappeared? Just like that?" I nodded. It had been 4 days since my encounter with the strange boy. I was now finally telling the girls what had happened.

"Yeah, It was really creepy" I said, swallowing the piece of the sandwich ate, "He was just by my window, watching me." I looked over at Gwen and Eliza, they looked like they had lost their appetite. "Why didn't you tell us?" Gwen asked "We're your friends aren't we?"

"You guys are my friends, I just didn't want you all to worry" I explained, "I thought maybe I imagined it or something." Eliza let out a sigh, "Well, who do you think he was? I mean, By the sounds of it you've never seen him before."

"Yeah, I've never seen him around town before" I said putting my sandwich down "Whoever he is, he doesn't go to this school." "Maybe he's a ghost or something" Izzy said casually "That would explain why he was standing out your window."

"Izzy, my house isn't haunted" I said blandly "I've lived in that house for 18 years and I've never had something strange or paranormal happen to me."

"Well, then who is he?" Eliza asked, everyone went silent. Suddenly, the bell rang throughout the room. "Come on" I said grabbing my lunchbox "We can talk about this later."

As we left the cafeteria, We stopped when we noticed a group of Chloe's friends hanging out. Chloe wasn't apart of the group, from the rumors I heard, Chloe had been suspended for a few days. They hadn't noticed us... yet.

"Let's go another way" I said as we went the long way to our lockers.

For the last class of the day we had English, when I got to class, their was tension throughout the class. Everyone looked uneasily at each other, almost like they were worried.

I walked over and sat in my normal seer and waited for Mrs Weilder to come. After 5 minutes of waiting, a teacher came but to everyone's horror, The teacher was Mrs Menders.

No no no I thought unhappily as she put her things on the teacher's desk. I glanced at the class, they looked miserable too. "Afternoon class" she said in an irritated voice, "Good afternoon Mrs Menders" everyone said bluntly, including me.

"If any of you are wondering, Mrs Weilder is out helping out with the final preparations for prom" she said "So I will be you substitute teacher." I wanted to groan, but I knew she would make a fool out of me in class.

Mrs Menders got out of her seat and began writing of the black board, I payed no attention to her as I looked out the window, wishing that something interesting would happen. To my surprise, my wish came true.

A sudden coldness spread throughout the room, I glanced towards the air conditioner that was currently on. Like a row of dominos, everyone started to notice how cold it was getting. Even Mrs Menders noticed it. "Blast, who put the air conditioner so low" she said as she walked towards the air con.

She took a look at the temperature, her eyes went wide for a couple of seconds but then her mouth turned into a scowl. "No, that can't be right" she mumbled, Some of the class, including me went to see what was the problem. When I looked at the temperature, it shocked me as well. It read 20 degrees.

That can't be the temperature, I thought, it feels way colder, it shouldn't even be this cold, it's summer. "Stupid thing must be broken" Mrs Menders said as she kicked the air conditioner, Probably thinking that it might fix it.

Mrs Menders told us to go back to our seats and we continued with the lesson, but it got colder and colder by the minute. Mrs Menders would often quietly curse a few words before rubbing her hands together to keep warm.

Then a thought hit me, was this cold my doing?

I glanced at the class, starting to get a bit frightened, Everyone was huddling over their desk's trying to keep warm. I am dooming this I realized as I tried hide that I was panicking.

I took in a few breathes as I tried to calm myself down. Calm down Sonya, please just calm down. After a few minutes of breathing in and out, the coldness in the room suddenly went back to normal.

Everyone in class, even Mrs Menders noticed that the cold had finally gone. Though no one said anything, it seemed that everyone was glad the cold that I unknowingly created had gone.

When the bell rang for the end of class, everyone slowly left the class in an orderly fashion, no one said anything. As I went to my locker to grab my locker, My thoughts went back to the ice on my arm, the strange boy by my window and now the strange cold.

What's happening to me? I thought as I grabbed my bag, What's going on?

When I got to the bus, I saw Gwen waiting for me. "Hey" I said kind of sadly, "Hey."

Without saying another word, we hopped on the bus and sat together in our normal seat. "You ok?" Gwen asked me, I looked at her, I felt broken. "I don't know" I said in a whisper. She didn't ask me what's wrong as the bus drove off from school.

When I got to my stop, I said goodbye to Gwen, thanked the bus driver and hopped off. A few minutes later, the bus drove off towards the next stop. When the bus was out of sight, I ran home.

When I got their, I hurried up the stairs, went to my room and threw myself onto my bed, Finally letting my tears fall onto my pillow. What's wrong with me?

Author's Note: Thanks everyone for reading chapter 22 of Cold Hearted, I hope you guys enjoyed. Please feel free to comment and vote on the chapter. Also, I don't own the video, all rights go to their owners. Also thanks everyone for 400 reads, I can't thank you guys enough.

Updates will come out every Saturday.

Again, thanks for reading and have a nice day 😄

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