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"Good morning boys."Aunty greeted them as they walked into the kitchen." Breakfast is already prepared."

"Thank you Aunty."

They proceeds towards the dining table with a surprised face.

"Aunty,isn't this a little too much?"Suho eyes widened in surprised.

"Oh right,I forgot to tell you."Aunty slightly face palm herself as she awkwardly smiled.

"Well, today is the last day I'll be working here so-"Aunty was about to continue when Baekhyun interrupt her.

"Why?"he cried dramatically. "Who's gonna cook for us then?"

"Young lady had insisted me along with the other maids to stop working for awhile."Aunty inhaled deeply." As she said it'll be dangerous for us if we stay here. We'll be send to our own homes this afternoon."

"Awe that's a bad news."Baekhyun whined.

"Stop thinking about yourself for a while will you?"

They turned their gazes to the sound's source. Only to find Eunji stare coldly at Baekhyun who's now whimpered in agony.

This is bad.

"They need a safe place to live too."she glare sharply."They have families who waited for them. I'm not gonna let them stay any longer just to prepared food for you "

"I'm sorry miss."Baekhyun stare at the ground as he apologized. Afraid of looking straight at her in the eyes.

She simply looked at them for one quick second before walked out of the villa.

"And now look what you've done."the boys glare at Baekhyun making the latter shifted his seat uncomfortable.

They eat in silence as no one opened their mouth to speak.

"Alright boys." Aunty spoke. "Don't tense yourself up. Young miss may be harsh but deep down she cared."

"I'm sorry Aunty I was just kidding."

"It's okay. Then, I'll just continue my last job before I take my leave."Aunty smiled sweetly before walking to the living room,but stop when Chen called her.

"Aunty,if all the maid leave this afternoon. Then,that's mean we're living alone?In this villa?"he scratch his cheek.

"Oh,no boys. You're living with young lady."she smiled and left.

"Oh...."the boys trailed off.

"Wait what?!"


"I don't want to."

"Who's gonna cook for us?DO hyung!"

Aunty chuckles from the living room having heard of the whining boys. But her chuckled disappeared replace with a painful bitter smile.

Soon,you'll get to know her.By then,all you have to be afraid of is losing her.

"It's okay boys. I'll be back as things have settled down!"Aunty shout from the living room.

Times tick by. Morning turned to noon. In which all the maids will take their leave soon enough. From afar there lots of people rearranged their suitcase in the back of the car,ready to leave.The boys stood by the front gate as they watched the cars began to drove away.

Protecting You -Exo x Eunji- ~Slow UpdateWhere stories live. Discover now