Chapter 3

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A few days later, I was sitting with Ray at lunch again, just picking at my food.
“Frankie, you okay? You're awfully quiet.”
“Yeah. Ryan keeps screwing with me. He's pissed off that Brendon got in trouble for breaking my nose. And I have a problem, but it's nothing I can do anything about.”
“A problem? Like what?” A new voice jumped in. Ray and I grinned as we turned around to see Mikey standing there. “Did you miss me?”
“Hell, yes, we missed you!” I said as I jumped up and hugged him. “About damned time the doctor released you.” Mikey was Ray’s and my other best friend. Somehow he'd gotten a bad case of pneumonia, and had been gone for almost a month.
“Well, I have to wait until Monday to actually come back, but I had to stop in and drop off the papers on the way home from the doctor's office.” He plopped into the chair next to me. “So, what's with your nose?” I explained, not mentioning the name of the teacher who'd taken my sorry butt to the ER. “Wait, that was you? My brother was telling us about a student getting his nose broke. He never said who.”
“Your brother?” I looked at him, sudden realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. “That's Gerard?! Holy shit, college did him good.” Mikey laughed. The last time I'd seen Gerard before, he was just heading off to college, had greasy black hair, and was rather chunky. A far cry from the guy that had been on my mind since Monday. “I knew the last name was the same as yours, but I thought it was just a coincidence.”
“He was tired of being seen as a grungy kid, so he started to eat right and pay attention to personal hygiene. Cleans up good, doesn't he?” I nodded, shell shocked. While it made me having a crush on the guy a lot more difficult, at least I had a good reason to be around him. Mikey just shook his head, grinning. “Hey, you guys want to come over tomorrow night? Watch movies and eat pizza?”
“I'll be a little bit late. Mom has me doing some chores tomorrow.” Ray sighed. I just laughed at his put upon expression.
“I'll be there. My mom's planning on being out this weekend. Not that there's anything different than any other weekend.”
“Well, you're always welcome at our house, Frank. Come over tomorrow at six, and we'll order the pizza when Ray gets there.” I nodded, wanting to ask if his brother would be there, but I kept quiet.
Soon, it was time to get to class, Mikey heading home. As I stopped by the locker, I had the feeling I was being watched, but shrugged it off, figuring that Ryan was trying to get to me again. I was right. Someone had taken red permanent marker to the front of my locker, and in great big letters wrote the words “Fag Boy”. 
I stared at it for a few minutes before I blanked out, walking out of the school to the park near my house. I was done, tired of the bull shit. I didn't care that I’d get detention for skipping classes. Not that anyone would miss me much.
I stayed at the park for what felt like hours, staring out across the lake and drawing in my sketchbook. It was some time before I realized that I wasn't alone anymore, that someone else was sitting on the other end of the bench.
“I'm sorry I left school… I couldn't take it anymore.”
“I know, Frankie. I saw your locker.” Mr. Way spoke softly. “I managed to get you out of a detention for skipping classes. I told the principal you were sick.”
“You lied for me? But why?” I looked at him in surprise.
“Well, for one, you're one of my brother's best friends. Mikey stopped by my classroom before he went home and told me… Sorry I didn't recognize you sooner, by the way.” I just shrugged. He looked over at me, a sad smile on his face. “Also, I remember how I felt when it happened to me.”
“You had that happen, too?” I sighed when he nodded. “It sucks. I'm different than the other guys at school and they know it. Figured it out when I slipped up and commented about some actor being hot.” I blushed and looked back at the water. A single tear rolled down my cheek, and I tried to wipe it away before he noticed. He moved closer to me pulling me into a hug, and I hugged him right back, sniffling and trying not to cry from his kindness.
“It's alright if you need to cry, Frankie. I won't tell anyone.” It was all it took for the dam to crumble and let the tears of hurt and frustrated anger that I'd been holding back since Monday to come pouring down. When I calmed down, he smiled at me. “Little bit better?”
“Yeah… I… um… thanks.” I didn't look up at him, afraid to see the look of pity I was sure I'd see on his face.
“No prob… I just thought you might need someone to talk to that's been through the same thing. It gets easier.” He stood, and I couldn't help but stare. “I've got to get back, papers to grade. You'll be at school in the morning?”
“Yeah. I think I'm gonna be okay tomorrow.” He nodded, patting my shoulder before turning towards the parking lot. I watched him go, then headed home, glad that the person I called ‘mom’ was passed out on the couch when I got there. I went to my room and locked the door, undressing down to my boxers and went to bed, losing myself in my thoughts.

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