Chapter 18

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After nearly a month in the hospital, Friday couldn't get there fast enough. I was thankful for having graduated early and didn't have to play catch-up with school work. To be honest, I was exhausted. When I got home, the very first thing I did was collapse on the bed. Our bed…

Gerard had moved me into his apartment… our apartment… so that I wouldn't have to go up and down the stairs so much.

“Are you sure that it's alright if I live with you? I know that I'm not your student anymore, but I don't want anyone upset with you…”

“Frankie, I promise it's alright. I already cleared it with the landlord and my mom. The school can't do anything about it since you're not a minor or a student.”

“But Brendon…Ryan...”

“Brendon and Ryan are not going to touch you again. They've done enough damage, and the police agree.” We found out that they had been the ones who jumped me after an anonymous call to the police department informed them that Brendon and Ryan had left a nearby party drunk and we're talking about finding someone to beat up. Me being lucky like that, I ended up in their path, the one person who they already had a beef with.

“They could still try to get you into trouble. They knew about us while I was still in school. What if you lose your job? I couldn't live with myself if the school fired you over me.”

“Frankie, relax. We'll cross that bridge if and when we get there. Right now, you still have to recover and get yourself ready for college.” I sighed, looking up at the ceiling. I still was a little on edge about going to New York.

“But, what about…”

“Frank… hush. You're going to be fine. Better than fine, because I know that you'll do great things in New York. Besides, I'll be there every weekend.”

“But it's not the same, Gee.” He shut me up with a soft kiss before pulling back.

“I know, baby, but, like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'll be just a phone call away.” I sighed again.

“I know…” I sat up, biting my lip, and hating that I was going to be leaving soon. I was starting college in the spring quarter, so I had a lot to do and not much time to get it done. “I just feel like I'm going to lose you, too…” Gerard sighed as he sat next to me on the bed.

“Frankie, I’m not going anywhere. Why would you think I would?” I looked down at my hands, the one still bandaged up. When I finally answered, my voice was a soft whisper.

“Because I lose everything I love… “ I stood and picked up one of my drawing pencils. “I think I even lost my spark for creating art… I haven't been able to get anything onto paper since Mom died. It's like a switch was flipped.” I tossed it back on the desk, my shoulders slumped in defeat. Gerard came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

“Frankie, I'm not going to leave you. Yeah, I know that you've been having trouble with artist’s block, but I know that it'll get better. We've all had those. Trust me, I've had my fair share of them.” I leaned into his warmth and sighed. He was right. This wasn't the first time I'd had a block, but it certainly was the longest I'd gone with no urge to create.

“Hopefully… by the time I leave for college, it'll start to come back. In the meantime, I'm not going to stress about it anymore.”

“Good. Tell you what. I know that it's hard to get any rest in the hospital, what with the nurse checking on you constantly and the monitor beeping. You lay down and get some rest and I'll get dinner around for us.”

“Okay… Gee?” I looked up at him with a little smile. “I love you.” He kissed me again, smiling back with that beautiful light behind his eyes shining through.

“I love you, too, baby. Ever since the day that a short, skinny little dark haired senior plowed into me as he rushed to get to Art 12.” I laughed as he let me go so I could lay down.

“I'll probably never live that down. But I'm glad I got to run into you… figuratively and literally.” I smiled, asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

“Sleep well, baby…” Gerard pulled a blanket over me, kissing my temple before leaving the room.

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