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The last several years have flown by, faster than I ever thought possible. Gerard, well, he has been by my side almost constantly, especially since he landed a teaching position at a local private school. There's been ups and downs, like any couple, but every down has made us stronger.

By odd coincidence, I met the guy who turned in Brendon and Ryan. My roommate in the dorms, Patrick Stump. He's a little bit shorter than me, by an inch, but he's got a huge personality and an even bigger heart. He told me that he'd once turned in a couple of former friends for beating some kid up and then bragging about it, but he'd never heard how their victim ever did afterword. I laughed a little.

“Patrick, I can honestly tell you that he's doing well, if the guys are who I think they are.”

“Wait, was...That was you? Oh my God! I never had a clue.”

“I don't talk about it much. I don't like people feeling sorry for me, you know?” He smiled and we went on to other subjects. He became one of my very best friends besides Gee and Mikey and Ray. He was also the reason Gee and I almost broke up before he got the job here. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. Let's just say that it looked bad to be hugging Patrick when he was upset about an argument he and his boyfriend Pete had just had when Gerard walked in.

“What the hell?” He glared at me, looking like he was ready to kill someone.

“Gee, I love you. Patrick is going through a hard time with his boyfriend. I just hugged him. God, you'd think I was sleeping with him, the look on your face.”

“Well, when you don't get to see your boyfriend for a week at a time and walk in on him hugging some other guy, what do you expect?”

“I expect you to trust me enough to know that I'm not going to cheat on you. If not, then just go. I'll get through school by myself.” He looked at me, his face pale.

“Frankie… I don't want to break up. I just… I miss you. I want you to live with me again.”

“With you? But if you're in Jersey, I can't live with you. Not if I'm going to stay in school.”

“I got the teaching job, Frankie…” His voice was low, almost a whisper. “I'll be moving up here this week. Move in with me… I miss living with you. Please?”

“You got it? Really? Yes!” I hugged him tightly. “ And yes, I wanna live with you, too. I miss being in your arms during the week, Gee bear.” At the end of the first semester, I was moving again, this time into a cute apartment a few blocks from the campus and not too far from his job.

Since then, things have been fairly smoothe. Mikey and Bob moved in together after breaking up, then making up, a few times. Ray met a cute girl and settled down with her. I think that they’re getting married next fall.

Last week, I had a huge night. It was my first real art show. Gerard was excited for me, but at the time, he called and told me he was running late.

“I’m going to be there, I promise, but I have to finish the parent/teacher conferences before the deadline. You go and I’ll meet you there, okay?” I sighed over the phone.

“Okay, but hurry. I’m a nervous wreck.” He promised before hanging up the phone. I ate a little, not wanting to pass out, then got ready, putting on my new suit. To be honest, I didn’t want to go anymore, not until Gee got home, but I couldn’t be late, either. I was ten minutes early, and the lady that owned the gallery, Lindsey, smiled warmly when I got there.

“Frank, dear, this is going to be a huge night. I’ve had three offers already on several of the preview pieces. I have the feeling that they are going to be falling over each other on the other items… are you sure you’re not going to sell the portrait?”  I’d done another portrait of my mother, though this one was of her as an angel. I wasn't about to let that one go.

“I’m sure. I want to keep that one. She was my mother…I couldn’t possibly let her go, not to just anyone.” She smiled and nodded.

“I understand. If the guy calls again, I’ll be sure to tell him why you’re not selling… though I have to say he was insistent that he should have it. He said it looked just like the woman he should have stayed with years ago.” My eyes went wide.

“Did… did he leave a name?” She shook her head.

“No, but, he said he’d come to the opening tonight to see if he couldn’t speak to you about it.” I was just about to answer, but her assistant came in, letting us know that it was time to start.  Going into the main part of the gallery, I saw Gee, standing by my mother’s portrait, a huge grin on his face.

“Did you really think that I’d miss this for anything in the world, baby?” He hugged me tight, and all the nervousness melted away. I had to giggle when Lindsey cleared her throat.

“Are you ready?” she asked as her assistant opened the doors to the waiting guests. I nodded, not sure I could speak.

As the night stretched out, an older gentleman came in, making a bee-line for the portrait.

“Linda… I should have stayed…” He murmured softly. He didn't notice me watching him, just stared in awe at the picture before him. I came up beside him, seeing him for who he was.

“She was never the same after my father left us… I wish she could have been here tonight.” He jumped, a bit surprised that I was there. He turned to look at me for the first time, his eyes wide.

“Frank? My God, you look so much like her… a lot like I did when I was your age, too. Is… is she…” I shook my head.

“No… she's been gone for a few years now. She was trying to get clean and sober.”

“I… I'm sorry. For running away, for not being a part of your life, for not being man enough to stick around through the hard times. I'd lost my job, and I thought you would be better off without me around. I drank too much. I hit her. Just the one time, when she was angry that I'd been drinking again, and the look she gave me… I packed my bags and left. I hadn't meant to slap her, but…”

“I understand… something inside snapped and you reacted.”

“Exactly… I'm sorry I left. I should have… so much I should have done.”

“Well, how about we start fresh? Mom may be gone, but I still want to know you.”  We spoke a bit longer before Gerard came up. “Gerard, I need to introduce you to someone. Frank Iero Sr., this is my boyfriend, Gerard Way. Gee, this is my father.” They both shook hands, my father chuckling.

“To be honest with you, Frankie, your boyfriend here tracked me down. But when I saw the portrait of your mother… I knew I had to meet you. I don't want to grow old with no family. I just hope you can forgive me for leaving.” I looked from him to Gerard in surprise at his confession, wondering how he'd been able to get that one by me.

“Well, Mr. Iero, I'm glad I could help get you two back together. You're always welcome at our home.”

“Thank you, both of you.” We ended up making plans for next week to have dinner at our place before he left for the night. After my father left, I looked up at Gee.

“Thank you, Gee bear.” He grinned.

“You're welcome, baby. I wanted tonight to be extra special for you.” He hugged me, and I giggled softly.

“How you pulled off finding my father and getting him here without my knowledge…”

“As distracted as you were getting ready for tonight, it was easy peasy pumpkin pie.” I shook my head and laughed.

“Good point. I think everyone is going home. I think I'm ready, too.”

“Well, there's one more thing we have to do before we go.” I looked at him, somewhat confused as he let me go and backed up a step before kneeling down in front of me, a ring box in hand. “Frankie, I love you, and I'm so damned proud of you. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?” I couldn't speak, all I could do was nod as tears stung my eyes.

As Gee stood to hug me tight and kissed me, I realized that he was always there, teaching me. He'd taught me to be a good man, to have faith in myself, and above all, he'd taught me how to love unconditionally. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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