White Hat x Cold!Reader

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A/N: I've been wanting to do a White Hat x Reader for a while now, really..

Waking up at the sound of someone cheerful outside your house.

You groaned as you sat up. Wiping the drool off your mouth.

" Ow. " You mumbled as you rubbed your head.

" Darn head ache. " You said as you sniffled.

" Y/N! Y/N! " Someone familiar kept shouting outside your house as another person was throwing small rocks on your window. Almost breaking it.

You opened the curtains and as you did, you revealed your wonderful and amazing middle finger at them with a very pissed off expression.

The people outside were, Dr. Slug, the most douchiest person you've ever met so far, 6.0.6, a huge purple-ish bear, Clementia, who is just.. ehh.. and White Hat, who is also... ehhhhhh. Nice. Too nice for his own good. I really don't like it when he hugs me. I'm not into physical touches, ya know?

But, still. Gotta admit, your cheeks are burning up from time to time whenever he does that aswell.

Dr. Slug just kept throwing rocks as your window. Staring at you as you showed them the 'fuck you' finger.

Clementia was laying down on the pile of leaves and 6.0.6 was sitting down with her with an un amused expression.

" Y/N! Come along now! " White Hat called out for you.

You sighed and went to change.

After that you got out of your house. To be met by White Hat surprise hugging me.

" Good Morning, Y/N! You are looking quite lovely today! " He greeted you, with a smile.

You furried your eyebrows as you struggle from his hug.

" Staph. " You said as you placed your hands on his face.

" B-but, why??? " He whined doing his puppy eye's.

" Because, I'm not comfortable. Now get me down. " You simply said.

And he did as he looked a bit sad.

You looked at everyone and asked, " Why are you guys doing here anyways? It's a Sunday today, ya know. "

White Hat looked a bit surprise about something.

He looked at Dr. Slug who just sighed and seemed so bored about this.

" Y-you don't remember? " White Hat asked as he slouched down to your level.

" Remember what? " You asked as you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow.

He blinked and began to explain~

Flashback~ Yesterday~

" Boss, finished editting and I'm about to go and eat lunch. Wanna come? I got no one to eat with. " You said.

He looked and his face lit up. Standing up immediately saying, " Why of course, Y/N! "

He then jumped over his desk to you and you walked to the kitchen together.

" You're inviting me to eat with you. " He said aloud.

You look at him with an eyebrow raised.

" Yeah, why? " You said as you look upfront again.

" Does this mean.. you like me now? " He said looking at you with a hopeful smile.

It was silent for a while which made White Hat fidget a bit.

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