White Hat x Reader x Black Hat 4

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•●~Chapter 4~●•


You searched for Black Hat on every door on your way.

You wanted to apologize for your words.

' I mean, his feelings is kinda obvious from that one time... I think he thought of what I said to White Hat as more than friends. ' You thought as you opened another door.

" Not here... " You mumbled and close the door shut.

' You know, he could be in his office. But, at this time, he's probably out there making people shit themselves out of fear. ' You thought.

You looked on what's ahead of you and you noticed it was a horrid sight.

The floor is a pile of bloody dead bodies. The lights are flickering, on and off while swinging. Paintings, vases, everything in there are broken and floating in mid air. Windows are opening and closing as really strong wind came inside the place.

It's not even windy nor is the weather upset right now.

Walking towards the window you looked at the sky and it looks like the place is at the eye of a thunder storm.

But, it's only ontop of the Black Hat's organization mansion. The rest of the city was just a normal day.

You looked back in the hallway of fucked upness in awe and fear as you walked towards it slowly.

" Black Hat must've done this... " You mumbled under your breath. Staring at it likes it's a wonderful piece of art.

You looked at the office and then gulped.

' Welp, here goes nothing.. ' You thought and walked towards the office. Sweat forming on your forehead.

As you are now infront of his office door. You hesitated but knocked anyway and waited for him to say something.

But, you are visited with silence.

You knocked once more and said, " Black Hat, sir. It's me. I-... I want to apologize for what I did. "

" I'm sorry for saying stuff like that and making you feel like the uncared for or the unloved one now. " You said and looked down.

" Truth is, I do care for you aswell, you know. I don't pick favorites. " You said and chuckled nervously.

Silence then once again decided to visit. But, you kicked it out by saying, " I love you as much as I love everyone in this house. "

Smiling, you finished your apology.

You didn't expect him to come out of his office. So, you just turned around and walked away.

But, you were suddenly stopped by someone putting their hand on your shoulder gently.

You looked up and saw Black Hat, sweat forming on his forehead. Trying to say a sentence, but failing.

You smiled and hugged him, which made him tense up in surprise. But, he hugged back anyway.

You both were on this position for, what felt like forever. But, of course, parted ways for the story to continue.

You looked at each other for a while in silence.

" So.... we cool now? " You asked as you smiled at him nervously.

He looked at you as if thinking about it.

You were getting nervous and the awkwardness is piling up.

But, he then smiled and snapped his fingers. Instantly making the hallway that was once as scary as your browser history to its normal state.

You watched in awe as everything was placed back to where they were and the sky was now, again, blue ontop of the Black Hat's Organization.

" Whatever. I didn't really care. Just go to work. " Black Hat said as he turned around and started walking in his office.

You sighed and then smiled.

" Alright, sir. " You said and then left.

You already knew that he was smiling like a goofball when he thought no one was looking.

But, even though Black Hat's sensing abilities is very phenominal.

Due to his day dreaming state, he seemed to have missed his brother hiding and watching the whole scene as it unfolds before him.

White Hat didn't want to intervene the situation nor did he want to show himself to his brother right now.

For, even though he dislikes these moments of him and you being together in a sort of romantic way. He still wants to see his brother happy and well.

So, White Hat just turned around and walked to wherever.

Whistling a tune as he did.

A/N: hah. How's it goin? Been a while, m8.

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