Dr. Slug x Scientist!Reader

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A/N: I've been seeing peeps at the previous chapter wanted some fun times with the reverse Dr. Flug.

And welp, okie.

Dunno know much about Dr. Slug but, I do know he is a dick, figuratively speaking.


Rain can be heard pouring from outside White Hat's manor.

You stared blankly outside one of the windows. Sitting in one of the chairs near that specific window.

" Can't believe I'm stuck here for the day. But~ " You said as you looked away from the window and tp the feline that was on your lap.

You lifted your cat to your face and nuzzled it's nose with your nose.

" I'm glad I decided to bring you to work today. If not, you'll get sooo scared inside my house all alone. Good thing Mr. White Hat was nice enough to make you stay with me like... everytime I let you go to work with me. " You said looking at your cat that is named as Ganern. Giggling.

" Y/N? " A familiar voice is to be heard as a door opened.

You and Ganern looked to where that voice is from. Ganern saw Dr. Slug leaning on the door.

They hissed at him.

Ganern didn't really like him that much. I can tell why though. He is a huge jerk and he would always steal Ganern from you and experiment on them, which pissed you off and sometimes you would scold him.

But, even still. As the nice person that you are. You always remembered what your Grandpa and Grandma said, " Even if that person is a bit of a meanie. They also have a nice side. To find it, be patient and take action at the right time. "

You believe them and that's why you have never given up on him nor on 6.0.6. But, you think that you are kinda getting there. 6.0.6 kinda likes you now and Dr. Slug... You're getting there.

He seems to be talking to more than usual. Usually you'll be in his lab just getting the tools he needed as he made his machineries.

You didn't get to try your ideas. But, one time when you were alone in thr lab. You made your own machine.

But, got surprised when the lights lit up and you saw Dr. Slug staring at you.

Haha.... that was an awkward night. But, after that.. it all went, I guess I could say, good.

" Y/N? Hey, I'm talking to you. " Dr. Slug said as he snapped his fingers in front of you.

You haven't realize that Dr. Slug is actually infront of you now as you were in deep thoughts.

Ganern scratched Dr. Slug's finger and he hissed in pain.

" Why you little-- " Dr. Slug said as he glared at you cat.

You stared at them and chuckled nervously.

" Dr. Slug, didn't see you there. Ya need something from me? " You asked as you stood up and put your cat down on the chair you sat on.

" Seriously? I've been standing here for how long and you didn't notice. Unbelivable. " He huffed.

" Well, I was kinda deep in thought... anyways, what do you want? " You asked one more time.

" I was gonna ask you if you would help me with something on the lab. Since, you are my lab assistant. " Dr. Slug said.

" Oh, ah.. yeah sure! I'll just get my labcoat and I'll be on my way. " You said as you ran outside the room and to Clementcia's room, to where you always sleep over everytime you got stuck in this place or you just wanted to.

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