Black Hat x Artist!Reader

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Serious Artwork
Black Hat x Artist!Reader

" Ughh.. I have not been drawing for a while now and I want to draw.. " You whined as you rested your chin on your work table.

Your table filled with all your art materials.

You then abruptly stood up and went to the part od your house where you like to flip chairs and tables.

" BUT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DRAW!!!! " You screamed in anger as you decided to flip a table.

The table soon broke since you've been abusing it physically for a few weeks now and it just can't stand being alive anymore in the same house as you.

" Damn. I need to buy a new table. " You mumbled.

You then pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned.

" UGHH..! NO! There's no time for thinking about tables! I need to think of something to draw! " You yelled at yourself.

" YES! YES! NOW GO TO THAT WORK ROOM OF YOURS AND START DRAWUNG, YOU PIECE OF S-H17! " You yelled as you dashed towards your work room.

You then grabbed your materials and then stared at the canvas.

You kept staring at it as sweat started to form on your forehead.

Slapping yourself to snap you back to reality.

You looked at once more but, with the intent of wanting to draw and not of fear.

" Yup! I'm gonna draw... " You said as you forced your pen to meet the canvas.

Everytime you created a line your face just looked like you were eating lemons.

As soon as you were done you deleted the file/ burned it.

You then just lied on your table like a failure.

" It's just not my day. I'm not a failure." You kept saying to yourself.

After a few minutes of that, you decided to walk around the park with your sketchbook.

" Maybe I'll find something here that can inspire me to draw again. " You mumbled as you walked towards a bench.

You sat down on it and just observed everything.

From just looking and appreciating nature to awkwardly staring at people walking by because you needed to know how to anatomy.

One mom looked at you and held her child close to her.

You looked at her and said, " Look lady, I might look like I'm planning to kill someone because, I'm staring at people with my dead fish eyes. But, seriously I'm not. "

The mother just held her child closer to her and just left.

You sighed and leaned back on the bench.

" Is there something interesting I could draw around here? " You said aloud.

You were then startled by someone jumping over you.

It was a female.

" Ooohh! Panty shot! " You said.

You took a look at the woman and she is a lizard-lady.

" Wait, didn't my friend tell me about villains living in this part of town? Hmm... " You asked yourself.

You looked at her once more.

She was kicking and throwing stuff at people in the most coolest poses that you have ever seen.

You then decided to draw her. So, you pulled out your sketchbook and pencil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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