White Hat x Reader x Black Hat 3

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•●~Chapter 3~●•

A/N: Well, now-

" Another day.. " You said as sat up from your bed.

You scratched your messy hair as you yawned like Simba and then stretched.

You got up and put on your slippers. Walked to the bathroom and did your hygiene stuff drowsily.

After a couple of minutes. You were out of the bathroom and you can feel that your stomach wants to devour itself due to hunger.

You sighed and walked to the kitchen drowsily as well.

When you reached the kitchen you saw Dr. Flug come in there.

His attire is a tank top, shorts and slippers.

Kinda weird to you 'cuz.. Dr. Flug wouldn't actually wear those clothes for bed time. He'd usually wear something not that revealing. If ya gets--

Nontheless, you walked up to him and  greeted him.

" Oh, morning Doc. " You greeted with a smile.

Dr. Flug looked at you with a drowsy-pissed off expression. Like, just imagine someone that is really really drunk---- Rick Sanchez *chokes*

" Um.. somethin the matter there, pal? You seem to be.. not yourself right now. Had a bad sleep? " You asked concern.

He groaned and went in the kitchen. You did so to.

" One of the worst sleep I've ever had... " He said in a pissed off tone.

" Oh, that so.. " You said as he sat down on a chair.

" Well, a coffee can probably make ot all better. How about I make you some? " You said with a smile.

Dr. Flug looked at you and scoffed.

" Yeah, whatever.. do what you want. " He said as he crossed his arms and legs. Leaning on the table.

You then got to the counter and brewd some coffee.

" You know, there's no need for that attitude, Dr. Flug. " You said.

Dr. Flug raised an eyebrow at you and said, " I'm Dr. Slug. "

" ... "

Silence filled up the room.

" T-that so... " You said shakily.

The reason why you shakily said that is because, you're kind of scared of him. I mean, just remember that first day and those glares.

" Hmm.. ya scared of me or something? " He asked.

It made you snap back to reality and yelp in surprise.

He then smirked at himself.

" Well, that's more like it. Finally, people trembling in fear out of me. " He said happily.

You just chuckled nervously as you poured coffee on 2 mugs.

After that you walked towards him and gave him his coffee.

He took it and didn't say anything else.

You guys then sipped your coffees in silence.

But, then the door to the kitchen crashed.

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