Unusual circumstances and broken hearts

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-About the same time Minnie overdoses-

Things had been... odd, recently- even for him. Relationships were never something he was good at, but Irene and his nightly routine painted a very unhealthy picture. They'd both complete their own personal routines before bed, and then they'd somehow find their way into each other's arms, and tonight had been no different. Not so unusual. The 'unhealthy' part stemmed from Jim's mind being on Minnie, his fiancé- ex fiancée, as of about a week or so ago. From how quickly he had jumped into a whole new relationship, despite not being ready to let go of his old one.
Maybe that's why he offered to go over there so easily. Just a little pizza and some drinks- show he could support her decision. Show he could be there for her without being with her... that backfired.
He should've stopped her at her second glass- he knew she was a lightweight. He shouldn't have brought up Irene, and he shouldn't have asked her if she was in a relationship. But he had to know. He knew she'd told Sebastian she loved him (a fact that broke what was left of the miserable shards of his "heart"), and he also knew Sebastian didn't feel that way about her. Who else would she have gone out with? Jane? Well... that was a possibility, and he'd actually thought that might've been a possibility- despite what Jane had told him. He just- he needed to know where it stood. Was there a chance he could get her back- ever?
Jim always expected everything- usually. But both at that time.
He didn't expect her to start listing possible pets she could get- and he didn't expect her to say 'a spider', then break down into tears. He didn't expect to have his heart ripped from his chest as she claimed to want him back.
"She's drunk." He told himself over and over. How she didn't mean what she said, just like everyone else in his life. She was lying.
She wanted him because she didn't realize she'd get lonely, she didn't want him because she loved him, but because she couldn't find anyone else to love her. And he did... that's why he couldn't give in to her drunken delusions. Because he'd seen how her eyes changed. How the happiness ran from them the moment he was involved. He'd watched as his time ran out, wishing he could do something- anything to bring back that light. But everytime he brought it up, he was given more half-truths, and honest lies.
"But I do- I love you!" She claimed, voice raspy and tears stains stuck to her cheeks like rain, causing her cheeks to flush. He wanted to believe her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and never let go. But he knew what he saw, and he knew it'd only hurt her more... right?
"No, you weren't happy with me." He kept his face blank. He didn't want her to be able to play off the emotions he had. He couldn't give into what she was saying, because he knew she'd just leave, again. Everyone always leaves, in the end- and for a time, he'd convinced himself she wouldn't. That she'd be there beside him- and that feeling was like none other in the world. But then, his world came crumbling down as she confirmed his theories, and left him. This was just salt in the, still bleeding, wounds.
"No- I made a mistake, Jim... love, please!" As she stood to look him in the eyes, his fell closed. He couldn't give in- he'd only hurt them both more, in the end, if he did...
"No. You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying." Saying the words out loud was a small comfort to him. Like she'd said earlier- she was alone. She didn't want to be alone, so her drunk mind was throwing her at the person it knew would take her, no matter what. It made sense. That had to be it.
"Jim, please... I'm more honest when I'm drunk- you know that..." She begged, sobs escaping her lips. Past experiences had told him that was true, but they were conflicting. He took a deep breath.
"Just like you kissed Jane when you were drunk?" It was a sound argument, he felt. One he shouldn't have brought up, but it he needed to prove to her that she didn't want him. That she'd made her decision, and it was the decision she was happy with.
"Jim, that was an accident... I just had to know, Baby, please!" She begged, coming closer to his unmoving figure. Accident? He'd forgiven her for Jane... but what did that make leaving him? Was that an "accident", too? That was as much as he could handle...
"No! Look, you don't want me- and that's fine! I wouldn't want me, either. You're lonely- and I get it. But don't act like you want me, because you're drunk and lonely. Because I can watch you move on- I'll watch you be happy. Hell, I'll help you do so, because that's what matters to ME. But I can't, and I won't, watch you leave again. I won't let you trick yourself into thinking that I am good enough, again, when we both know you deserve more. I won't let you throw your happiness away, because you've fooled yourself into thinking you love me." He could feel the skin of his palms breaking from where his nails had pressed too hard in an attempt to keep any tears at bay. He could feel the blood caking around their respective wounds- but it didn't sting as much as the heartache from Minnie's words.
"YOU are what make me happy- please, Jim... I want to be with you!" She begged, but he couldn't take it anymore. His head swung from side to side, and he spun on his heel.
"Things don't change that easily." He said, more to convince himself than to convince her. In a moment's notice, her hand was catching his wrist, and the walls he'd built to keep this exact thing from happening began to crumble. Her other hand caught his shirt collar as he came to turn towards her, lips on his within the next second. Tears slid down his cheeks and onto hers, his arms wrapping naturally around her. Minutes later, clothes were being tossed around the room, and her back was to the wall in a dance they'd been greatly experienced in.
And after days of stuffing his face in Irene's neck as he nearly let Minnie's name slip- he finally said the right one... with the wrong woman. If he'd had any chance at getting Minnie back at all, it was gone.
And that's what he was thinking about, only a couple hours later, with Irene snuggled close to him as they both drifted off to sleep. He'd tell her what had happened in the morning, but for now, he'd made an executive decision that they both really needed sleep.

The call came only hours later, and Jane was not happy when she heard Irene answer Jim's phone.

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