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-July 30, Jane calling Jim-

This is pretty funny, so no feels today. Except fluff. A lot of gay boi fluff. It's also based off a post Gigi and I were laughing at...

There was only one reason, other than the abuse, sexual assault, and overall suckiness of his life at the age, that Jim didn't like reminiscing about when he was a teenager... now, one may not think that being a bottom would be all that bad, and at the time he didn't either, but now it was just embarrassing. Someone could bring up anything- as long as it wasn't that.
Of course, Jane wasn't privy to any of his silent rules, and on this very unlucky birthday, she decided to share all the horrid memories of those days. So, of course, she had to bring up the one he'd done his most to repress...
"Remember when you accidentally came out to me? After you'd showered and Richard had taken your last clean shirt?" SOD OFF, JANE!
"Heh- yeah, that was... that was a roller coaster..." He was cringing as the memory came flooding back.

His hair was still dripping lightly, and he just wanted a bit of peace. Only fifteen minutes of sleep in the past few days, and his father deciding he didn't need to eat anything more than a couple of pieces of dried fruit and a few bites of cake from his step mum's birthday wasn't helping his mental capabilities. And then bloody Richard had to go and be an arse and forget it was his week to do laundry, then take the only clean shirt left for them. Jim just wanted to relax and enjoy a book or eat a mountain or something equally as nice. Maybe sneak to the library with Jane and email the cute boy from his class about their archeology assignment and stare at his perfect freaking profile picture while Jane was actually being productive.
"Hey, topless." Jane greeted jokingly at her half naked brother.
"You don't have to rub it in that I don't have a boyfriend." He remarked, not really thinking about what he was saying. Jane stared at him for a bit while his mind caught up with his mouth. Once he realized what he'd said, his hand snapped up as if he could push the words back in.
"Wait- you're a bottom?" She asked quizzically. She shouldn't have been surprised, he was quite petit for his age, but it was new information.
Jim's jaw hit the floor, "THAT'S what you question!?" He snapped, and she shrugged.
"What? You mean about you being gay? I already knew that." She said frankly, ignoring how her brother glowed red at her bluntness.
"H-How!? I haven't told anyone!" He was so screwed- to the point where he was going to die. When Carl found out he was gay, he nearly drowned him. What would everyone else do!?
"James, come on. When I pointed to that girl in third block's yellow-green dress and told you, and I quote, 'The girl in the green dress', you corrected me that it was 'chartreuse'. Obviously, you're gay." She said nonchalantly, but she wasn't quite done.
"Then, when I mentioned to you that Ben Alson- your archeology partner -has a nice arse, you said 'yeah, he does'. You didn't even question it." He just wanted her to shut up at this point. Oh god- she wasn't done, was she?!
"Then when we were talking about how that whore, Delia, was now screwing Troy, you gave her a pass, because he looks like he's got a rideable dick." She added, taking a sip of her tea. At least she was done... had he really said that? He was so bloody stupid...
"W-Well, at least I don't like girls!" He tried, still painfully exhausted in each and every way. He wasn't sure if his mind was actually working, or if it was just having such a hard time not putting him in a coma that it kept sending random electric pulses.
She paused to look at him, "At least I only like boys occasionally- you do all the time. And James, I know you don't like girls- that's called being gay, like I said." It was rare she could win a battle of witty comments against Jim... even if it wasn't fair, she'd take the victory.
"But that's none of my business." She went back to drinking her tea, and opened up her linguistics text book. And Jim fell onto the sofa, passing out finally.
"Huh- three days, already?" She said off-handedly, patting his head, "Sleep well, James."

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