Robb Stark x reader

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A/N: This is a very old story that i wrote way back i added some new details so if anything seems odd and not so connected i'm very sorry. it's written in the first person but most of the other shots will be in the third so don't get confused

From the window on the top of our castle, you could see whole Bear Island. Covered in the light white cloak of the first snow. I usually came here to think about my future or to clear my head. After my father went to the Wall and my Brother got himself exiled, I was left here with my aunt and her daughters.

My father never really cared for me, he was a good man but not a good father. When my mother died I had no one to be my shoulder to cry upon. I was broken and alone, I had to lick my own wounds. My aunt, a lady of Bear Island, was the only person who cared enough to pick me up and make something out of me. "You are Mormont, you are strong and brave and you shall rise above every woman in the North. You shall be beautiful and fierce and one day everyone shall fall under your feet," she told me over and over while she beat me with a wooden sword. She wanted me to be the fighter that would wear armour rather than be a lady that will smile and wear a silk dress.

She would make me get up the very morning before sunrise and made shoot arrows until I hit the rising sun. I always believed that if I'm to be skilled with bow and arrow I must hit the sun until my aunt told me that was trick. I wasn't very clever as a kid.

"Lady Mormont?" the voice spoke behind me, it made me jump.

"Yes?" I turned around backing away from the window. One of my aunt's squires was standing behind me.

"Lady Maege wants you in her chambers." Confusion grows on my face slowly. Why would she send for me at this time of the day? 

"Tell her I'll be there in a few moments." If she is sending her squire for me it's probably nothing important for me to run down the stairs breaking my legs.

"She asked you to be there right away. Raven came from Winterfell." 

House Mormont held fealty to House Stark of Winterfell and they wouldn't send raven in times like this if it wasn't something imporatnt. I ran down the stairs and stormed into the room as fast as I could. My aunt was standing next to the window looking over the Island. 

"What is the news from Starks, my lady?" I spoke catching my breath. 

"Y/N..." she whispered my name and turned around facing me. "Robb Stark wants to start the war with Lannisters for imprisoning his father lord Ned Stark. He wants us to join him." She informed me throwing the piece of paper over the table in front of my legs. I picked it up not bothering to read it. 

"You will join him, right? House Mormont is banner to House Stark." I looked her into eyes with a frown forming on my face.

 "Of course I will answer his call. House Mormont holds fealty to Starks and that will not change." She walked over to me placing her hands on my shoulders. "And you, my child, will stay here to keep order on the Bear Island." I was training all those years to sit on the chair and talk to people pretending I know things. 

"What?! No! I want to come with you!" I removed her hands off my shoulders. "I didn't spend all this time becoming the best warrior on Bear Island to sit here while war is happening!" 

She looked me into eyes, I could almost see the disappointment in her eyes, but she is the woman that is good at hiding one emotion behind other. "You are brave and I'm proud of you so much. But who would stay here?"

"Lyanna is perfecly capable on taking duties as lady of Bear Island while we are gone. Yes, she is only a child but she is your child and she is more capable than me." 

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