Gendry x reader

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You sat on the cold bed in, cracking your knuckles and when they couldn't crack anymore you would bite your nails. You were afraid, they were gone for days and all you could do is sit and wait. Every day seemed to be longer, with lack of sleep, food and water you were slowly dying. Jon was a moron for thinking a stupid plan like this one would ever work and everyone else was even bigger idiots for supporting him and leaving with him. They wouldn't let you come,you were weak,so they left you with Davos.

"Well,you seem okay." Davos said to you while you were standing together on top of the Wall. He was being sarcastic, he would do that when he was shitting himself. 

You kept quiet, staring at the white snow that covered the land. Waiting for someone to come from the woods across.

"I'm afraid too."Davos spoke again."I'm not much of a fighter, so I can just stand here and pray that they will come back." He started at the one spot, he almost didn't blink. "Not much use of me." you looked at him.

"Every man has his role in this war." He smiled. 

"You sound like a Red Woman."

 "I am no witch who has a fire inside her. If I was my ass wouldn't be freezing now." he laughed. 

The horn broke his laugh and you look down, spotting a man running toward the Wall. Both, you and Davos, ran down as fast as you could, running through the tunnel to another side. When Davos picked the lad up it was Gendry, he kept telling that we need ravens and Davos kept asking about others.

"Get him inside, he is freezing for fuck's sake!" the lads that came with you picked the boy up and took him in one of the rooms. They placed him in the bed taking his clothes off and lit the fire. You stood by the door all the time staring at him. Before they left he told you that he never saw snow and now he is going in the mission with people who were better at fighting than him. He was brave, not smart but brave.

"We need to heat him up." you said.

"Aye, got a better idea than fire and furs?" Davos said throwing another fur over the boy. "Wait for me here," you said leaving the room, finding some rags and pot with water. You cam back to the room placing the pot over fire heating the cold water. 

Davos looked at you with a confused look."What good are the hot rags?" he said after he saw you 'cooking' the rags in hot water. 

"I saw it once help a man from freezing. It's placed over the chest, it helps his lungs and heart warm up." Davos felt deep inside him that this was one big lie, but he cared about the Gendry so he let you do your experiment. You let the rags cool a little before walking over to the bed, removing furs of the boy and placing one of the rags over his chest. 

"It... burns." his eyes opened and look at you. His blue eyes took your breath away again.

" will help you, I promise." he started at your eyes for a moment, then spoke up to Davos. 

"We need to send ravens to Dragon Queen. Jon and others are in trouble." his voice was still shivery, he was still cold you could tell."Jon needs her and her damn dragons to save them form those dead things." Davos nodded leaving the room, and you with a naked man. 

He turned his glare at you, catching you staring at his body that wasn't covered. "Like what you see?" he smiled making you blush.

"Last time you were one that was hurt and I was the one sitting by your side." Memories came back and you smiled. He was right last time you guys sat together was in King's Landing when Golden cloaks attacked you. You had a stab wound on your side and blacksmith that found you took you back to his shop, helping you. He didn't have much yet he shared everything with you. When you got better you helped him with the shop and when Davos came for him, he didn't want to leave without you. You were friends in some way. 

"I am glad you are okay, Gendry," you said, gripping his hand and he smiled at you.

 "I told you I will come back." Your heart wanted to jump out of your chest. His smile and the shine in his eyes always won you over. Every time he smiled at you,you wanted to grab his face and kiss him,you never did. It was never good time.

Somehow now it felt like the right time. His smile never left his pale face and you just wanted to grab it and press your lips together, let them move in the symphony. Your breathing slowed down as you were debating what you should do. Gendry noticed how heavy your breaths were and how your facial expression changed. 

"Are you all right?" he asked, worry growing on his face. Without the word you grabbed his face and kissed him. Some force took over your body while your mind was still figuring out what to do. His lips started moving with yours giving you information that he never had balls to kiss you and he was praying for this moment. Or it's just his male instincts and this is what they do when a girl kisses them. When you broke your kiss catching the air silent 'wow' escaped his lips. 

"What?" you asked smiling. 

"Last time someone kissed me, they ended up placing leeches all over me. You are not going to start doing that?" you laughed pressing another kiss on his lips. 

"No.," you said as his hand found his way into your hair pulling you into another kiss. His lips were soft, cold but soft and his kiss warmed you up. His hands travelled down your side to your leg, pulling you on top of him. Your hand removed wet rag on his chest, never breaking your kiss. 

His hands resting on your thighs and your lips moving together it almost seemed like it was not the end of the world. A loud cough made your lips part and you looked to the door where Davos was standing, with his hands behind his back. 

"This reminds me why I shouldn't leave two kids alone with the fire lit and this type atmosphere." you both laughed at Davos' comment. "Raven was sent, now we can just pray it would get there in time." Gendry looked at Davos and his eyes started talking. They begged Davos to leave you two be and Davos, being the man he was, got the signals pretty quick. 

"Now I will leave you two birds alone." He said closing the door, as he walked away he remembered his lovely wife. That is still waiting for him and his son to come home. She probably doesn't know their smart boy died in the Battle of Blackwater. He never wrote to her and he didn't assume Stannis send a letter to her. He smiled to himself, he saw himself in Gendry and he was happy there was someone to keep him happy for a short while before everything is gone. 



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