Robb Stark x reader

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It woke me again,the screams in my head,so loud that everything else seamed so quite.My eyes burning from all the tears that I've cried.It's been weeks and I still couldn't sleep,eat,speak.I didn't feel sad,it was almost as if I couldn't feel anymore.My hand ran down to small bump that started getting bigger with every passing day.I closed my eyes for a moment,letting one tears slide down my cheek once more.Loud sound coming from the outside of my chambers interrupted my moment of peace.It sounded like someone big was walking towards my door,slowly.It seemed who ever it was was trying to be silent,but failing.I made my way to the door,my hand still on my stomach,like I was trying to protect it.Sounds were getting closer so close that I could have sworn to hear it breath. It wasn't a man,his breath sounded like an animal.Why would Blackfish allow animals inside when not even people are allowed?

I wrapped my hand around cold knob,pulling it,only to see a wolf standing in front of me.Fear ran me over.Not fear for my life,but fear for life growing inside of me.The beast with wolf's head was just standing there,breathing heavily,not moving.It just stood there.It had head of the beast and the body of the man.For a moment I just stood in shook,but when fear started growing even more I remembered to scream,slamming the door and running back to my bed.Not so after Brynden Tully came rushing in my chambers.When he came,the beast was gone and Blackfish being the Blackfish didn't believe any of my words. "There is no such thing as wolf with body of a man,you just don't feel well after what happened." He left a kiss on my forehead before leaving the chambers.I was afraid of being alone,I was afraid of last memory of man I loved being lost because of me and this numbness I felt.For the next days I tried to eat,I tired to sleep more and grieve little less.I would leave my chambers at least once a day.While I was taking a walk down the road with Blackfish by my side I heard a man talking. "Red Wedding they are calling it.They feel so proud of it,slaughtering  people on the wedding and throwing their bodies out in the woods." Blackfish looked at me and then at the man that spoke the word of tragedy we were part of.I could feel that he wanted to punch him until his head if broken into peaces,and he would've done that if I didn't garb his hand. "Don't please,I want to go back." Letting go of his hand I made my way back following the footsteps we left in the mud.I didn't know if he followed me,because I never turned back.It felt like I was running,in my situation everything felt tiring even walking.I stopped,tuning around to see if Blackfish was anywhere close or was he cracking open poor man's head.I didn't found the Tully lord behind me,I found the same beast that pay me visit a week ago.He was as scary in the daylight as he was that night in my chambers.Tall, his fur stained with blood,as were his clothes.Scream escaped my lips as I started running toward the cabin we were staying at.I didn't hear it following me and I prayed it didn't. When I got to the cabin I hid in my chambers,praying to the Seven to help me.I prayed to the mother to keep me safe,to keep my child safe.The first time since the wedding I called it a child,before it was just a memory growing inside of me.A memory, a wish of perfect life, a dream killed by the same people who killed the man that left that memory inside of me.I cried,I remembered moments we shared prior that horrible night.I spent weeks trying to forget that night.We were so happy,celebrating our death.People were drinking,feasting and singing.And he was smiling whole night,he was ready to win this war and he only needed to go through this night.He had plans of marching south and killing the King,everything was perfect but he was fool in trusting the Frey.We were all fools. "I shouldn't have left,I shouldn't have left." I spoke to myself,shaking my head and crying.I felt asleep,having a dream of us.Of us surviving that night and leaving long life.I felt happy in that dream,I wish it never stopped.I wanted to stay in that dream for the rest of my life. 

"Tell me Brynden,what happened to him after?" I asked Blackfish the next morning.He looked at me,knowing that I spent whole night crying again.In his eyes I saw worry. "Do you really want to know what happened?" he asked,I didn't want to know.That knowledge would've killed me,but i needed to know what happened to his lifeless body after those animals killed him.He cleared his throat before he began. "After they murdered him, they cut his head of sewing the head of this beast onto his shoulders.First they played with it,mocking him,mocking whole North,then they thrown this body into the woods." it felt like my heart stopped beating after hearing what they did to the man I loved. "Why did you save me?" after weeks of silence I had so many questions. "You are caring his child.I couldn't save him nor his mother.If you weren't so lucky,I wouldn't have saved you." I let out the small laugh at his words. "Lucky..."I said under my breath. "Aye!You are lucky!You weren't murdered by the damn Freys!Your body wasn't thrown out into the woods or river of any kind!And there is part of him growing inside your belly and one day that child will go back to Winterfell and he will make his father proud!" he screamed,leaving me at the table. He was right,I was lucky to live.If what I was doing was living. I looked at my belly.This baby was part of Robb,he could have had better life,but at least now he will have life.Gods are unfair sometimes.I lifted my head up to face the wolf man again.He was sitting across of me on the place Blackfish was sitting not long ago.His breath were slow and his wolf eyes were staring at me.My eyes filled water.For the first time I didn't look at him with fear,for the first time I really looked at him.He was wearing his clothes,and the wolf heads was Grey Wind's. "It's you...Isn't it?" I asked but he just sat there. "Why are you here?" his arm moved across the table trying to find mine.I slowly places my hand on his.It was worm despite the coldness outside.It was like Robb's once was.I smiled while one tear fell down from my eye.It felt like he was here again,like he never died at the twins. "Stay with me..." when those words left my lips he was gone.Like the wind took him.


This whole imagine was my first fanfiction,and now it's summed up in less than 2000 words makes me more sad that the single mother that sees her  'wolf-man' of a husband everywhere 

Hope you like it!

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