Jon Snow x reader

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Even after Robert's Rebellion,even after losing  their deadliest knight,House Dayne stayed strong.They lost so much after the war and it seemed they will fall apart,but they didn't.Daynes still rule over Starfall, with young Edric as head of house. His older sister, Y/N,was on her to meet her new husband.Daynes never have forgiven Eddard Stark for what he has done,yet again they were sending one of their own to marry Lord Stark's son,Robb. Y/N was same age as Robb and with their marriage peace would finally come between two noble houses.

Ride from Dorne to North was long and tiring,but finally after months of riding Daynes arrived to Winterfell. Y/N didn't like how North felt,Dorne was her home she could never accept living here where winter never stops. "Lady Y/N." her future husband greeted her,he was handsome young man with his blue eyes and thick red-brown locks but Y/N eyes were fixed on the black boy behind him.His dark eyes sent a shiver down her spine,luring a smile on her face. Knowing her she would for what she wants not what she is told to do.That night during feast that was thrown in honor  of Dornish guests, Y/N eyes were only searching for boy with black curls and those mysterious dark eyes,but she couldn't find him.Whole night she was sitting and looking for him,finally found him at the end of Hall talking to a girl with red hair.In Y/N eyes the boy was hers and seeing him speak with other made her jealous. She made her way down the Great hall to the boy.Putting on her cute smile.Some say that when Y/N Dayne wanted something she would get that,even if it was wrong.She had her way with men,she reminded everyone of late Ashara. Before she could get to the boy he left the hall.She took deep breath rolling her eyes.How will she find him outside now?It took her all night to find him here."I'm not quitter." she told herself as she walked outside to find him.She needed to know him.

Air outside was cold and her Dornish dresses weren't made for North.She tried to warm herself up and still look for him. "The North isn't kind to you,Lady Dayne." croaky voice spoke not far away from her,making her look through dark of night.Dark figure was standing not so far,on second look she saw face she was looking for all night. "It very..." she stopped looking for a words. "Cold." her words made the boy laugh."You should better go inside it's lot warmer than here." "What if I want to stay here?" she was clearly flirting with him,but he wasn't catching up."As you wish,Lady Dayne." she hated formality. "Well I'm not a lady,just a noble to be correct,so please call me Y/N." he nodded without saying anything. "And you are?" "Jon Snow." she smiled making a step closer to him. "A bastard." in Dorne they didn't made freaks of bastards so it was new for Y/N to see how unpleasant he look when she said that. "What's wrong,Snow?" "You shouldn't be here talking to me,your future husband is probably inside looking for you." in fact she hurt him.Jon spent his whole life being told he was nothing and no one because he was a bastard and to freely talk to someone who never met him before felt so good. "I'm sorry if I hurt you,Jon.I didn't mean anything wrong by it." Jon only nodded.Y/N felt so bad. "You listen to me Jon." she came closer pointing a finger at him playfully. "From now on you are just Jon,a boy with dark eyes and I'm just Y/N a girl..." "With beautiful eyes." he finished her sentence,making her smile. "Well just Jon would you do a honor and dance with me?" "The honor is all mine." 

Loud music was coming from the Great Hall while just Jon and just Y/N danced on the dirty ground.Her purple dress was all muddy after their dance,but she didn't care she was happy to be free for last time before she she marries a man for sake of her house. 


"Jon,have you ever kissed a girl?" Sam asked him while they were trying to warm themselves up on top of the wall.Jon stopped for a moment trying to remember,but only thing coming to his memory was Y/N Dayne and the time spent before she got married to his brother Robb. "I was close once." "What do you mean close?" Sam loved to ask questions,usually Jon didn't mind but now old feelings were coming back with all those memories and it was just painful. "Back at Winterfell,I got very close to a girl that I shouldn't have.She was beautiful and different." he trusted Sam with all this so finally let the weight fall of his shoulders. "Her name was Y/N and she was promised to my brother,but I fell in love with her and cute smile and beautiful eyes.She never looked down on me for being a bastard.We spent two weeks together and those were the best two weeks of my life.On the last day I tried to kiss her,but my father found us right before.We were hiding in the old tower and somehow he found us." He looked down at his hand where an old scar was still standing.Scar that she gave him."Was she the one who gave you the scar?" "What?" Jon looked back at him. "Some houses in the Dorne use that to make sure their love one knows they are always there for them.Ladies would used to make scars on their lover's hand and then make same one to themselves to let them know they will love them till end of days." Everything Sam had said made Jon smile.He wasn't type that smiled a lot,but knowing that a girl he loved felt the same was good enough reason to smile. "She loves you, Jon.If a girl loved me like that I would have never left her." "Well Sam,I didn't have a choice." Sam nodded continuing to have conversation in his head with himself.


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