Chapter nine

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I know I have the sequel up but I really needed to rewrite this, so If you are reading this and have not read the sequel, it won't make too much sense. But in the sequel, they keep Dall out of it. He is never mentioned until the end, but that will be a while. 

If I make mistakes please tell me


I go to saying something else to Mikey when the world goes black and I am knocked unconscious.

Ara's POV,

Luci falls to the ground and soon I do, I look to see what happened and see Dall, He has a frying pan in his hand and he has hit me. I fall to the ground.

Mikey's POV

Luci's call ended really fast and before I know it the California police department is calling me.

"Hello," I say

"Hello, is this Michael Manfre?" A deep gruff voice asks.

"Yes, this is him."

"We have gotten in the house, and we have found blood splatter in the basement, and hair. We are sending it to be tested. I am afraid to say that the girls have left not too long ago, we have cars blocking every known exit and every car is stopped and searched."

Charlie's POV

I went to go help the girls, that I saw being carried in the house next door. I had nothing to do, my parents had left me with food, water, and money. They said that they can't come back. And that it was safer to leave me. I was upset at first but now I'm okay.

When the one guy came in he saw me and hit Luci, then Ara. He went for me and hit me lighter than the rest when I looked in his eyes, it looked like he was sorry.

"I'm Dallon, but please call me Dall, I was forced to be here, the rest of the guys will come in in about two minutes, please act knocked out. I don't know where we are going next but as soon as I know, I will tell you," He pauses," I'm sorry for hitting you and your friends but the guys will check if you're knocked out."

He stands up and calls out," We are good!" 

I lay down on the ground and act like I'm asleep. 

Dallon's POV

I hear the door open and I turn around," Who is the kid?"

"I don't know he was here, but the cops are coming and we need to leave," I respond to Brendon. 

"I have the boy, Brendon get one of the girls, and J get the other girl. Ty you will drive," we get the kid and adults and walk over to the van.

I gently set Charlie down, and Brendon does the same to Luci, J sets Ara down a little harshly and she moves.

I close the back of the van and get in the back seat in front of the girls. Brendon, Josh, and Tyler get in the front.  Ty starts the van and we drive around the house, I am guessing we are going to the bosses house. Our bosses name is Zack. He is not very nice. Only to Josh and Tyler, his house is about four hours away. 

I am guessing we are taking back roads too, the guys are really smart when it comes to this stuff. I only work here because I was forced, and so was Brendon. Our wives and my kids could be taken from us if we don't do these things. Like when Brendon said that the girls were going to be house slaves, he meant for the boss.

I honestly hate this, and so does Brendon, but we don't want to risk our families lives. This time I am going to do something. I am going to help these people, and I'll get Brendon too. 

I turn around to look at the girls and boy. Luci is sitting up and crying, Ara is hugging her, and Charlie is very quietly telling them what happened. 

He sees me and smiles, the girls turn around and also smile at me. Luci pulls her phone out and hands it to me. I put my number in it and text myself. The guys will think I'm texting my wife. I hand her phone back to her. 

She looks down and then looks up and nods at me. 

(Okay so I have no idea how to do texting sense to bear with me)

3rd person

Dallon- Okay I'll text you if I know anything

Luci- Okay, and if we need help I'll text you

Luci- I've been texting my friend this whole time so he knows where we are. 

Dallon- Okay


Dallon's POV (Again)

I think when we get to the bosses house I will get the girls and Carlie and sneak them to my car.  Then get Brendon to drive with us. We will call the cops and have them leave us out of the story, or we could drop the girls off and leave. 

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