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The rain fell hard outside, awakening me from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes so I could see clearly.

Someone whispered in my ear, "Morning, sleepyhead." making me smile. I turned to Louis and looked into those piercing blue eyes.

"Good morning." I said, stretching and pulling the blankets up to cover me up more.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, laying back down and playing with a strand of my hair. I shrugged.

"I barely slept." I admitted.

"Me too."

"You should have woken me up."

"No." he told me. "You look like a child when you're asleep and I didn't want to ruin that."

I ran my hands smoothly through his hair and he caught my hand and kissed it.

"Go get dressed." he ordered. I was taken aback, but did as I was told. He got up out of the bed and walked out into the hallway, to give me privacy. I smiled wide when he left and bit my lip.

"Oh my god. What happened last night?" I whispered to myself. Well of course I knew what happened, but it was so weird.

I got up out of the bed and got dressed into a large cardigan, brown leggings, some Toms and one of Louis' beanies and walked downstairs. All the boys and Robin were awake and when I walked into the room everyone, "OOOOOOOOO"ed at me and Louis and I couldn't help but blush. We couldn't even look at each other without thinking about last night and our stomachs flopping.

Caymin came running downstairs, his snow boots and winter coat bundled up on him. "Zip me up!" he ordered.

"Yes, sir." I said and zipped his coat zipper. Louis came up behind me.

"I thought we'd take a day. Just us three." he said, smiling. I couldn't help but smile too.

"That's sweet. You really don't have to." I started to say but he caught me from around the waist and kissed me hard.

Everyone ewww'ed from around us. Caymin did it the loudest and went up to Louis, kicking him in the shin.

"Oh fuck!" he screamed, holding onto his leg. I smacked him upside the head for cussing around Caymin and then he went from holding his leg in pain, to his head.

"You guys are gross." Caymin said, running over to Niall and Zayn and hiding behind them. I glared at the two boys, putting my hands on my hips. They just stopped smiling and continued eating their cereal.

After Louis could walk again, he grabbed the car keys off the key rack and pulled me and Caymin over to the door. He held a coat open for me to slip into, and I did. Then he zipped me up and held the door open for me and Caymin.

"Bye guys! And Robin!" I called out.

"Bye!" Robin was the only one saying it. "Have fun you three." Then she whispered something to Niall and he laughed and kissed her on the nose. I couldn't help but fangirl at the two.

Louis pulled me to the car and opened the car door for me. Then he helped Caymin into the back, buckling him in his booster seat.

He then got into the driver's side and buckled himself up, before starting up the car and driving off.

Louis was figdety while we were driving. After the first hour in the car, I was starting to get impatient. I turned around in my seat and found Caymin passed out in his booster seat. I sighed really loudly, making sure Louis heard me. I sighed again, this time louder and Louis smiled. He still didn't say anything. I crossed my arms and rested my head against the window. I sighed again and banged my head against the window.

Kiss Me Again (A 1D Fan Fiction) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now