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"Come here. Let me take a picture of you." Hoeseok grabbed his camera and pointed a spot by the pink, white, and red roses. Jimin sighed while walking to the spot and posing. He smiled and waited for the sound of the picture being taken. Hoseok frowned at Jimin. "Why are you doing that?"

Jimin gave him a confused look. "What?" He asked. Hoseok pointed at his mouth while saying, "That thing. The thing you do when you're not happy so you just make that face." Jimin raised his eyebrows at the boy. "Smiling?" Hoseok shook his head. He sighed. "That's not smiling. That was a face that I can't describe, but I know for sure you weren't smiling just now."

Jimin looked down and walked to his boyfriend. "Forget it, J-hope. We don't have to take pictures." Jimin walked past the boy, but a hand stopped him from moving. He looked at the older. The older shook his head while having his eyes closed. "No, Jiminie, we do have to take pictures." He pointed back at the spot. "Now, go smile."

Jimin walked back over to the spot he stood in before and just stared at the camera. Hoseok got the camera ready. "Okay." He said as he focused it on Jimin. "One...Two...Three." As he said three he made a fart noise. Jimin laughed and Hoseok took the picture. Smiling at it.

He walked over to Jimin and showed it to him. "That's a smile." He said pointing to Jimin's face. Jimin blushed and playfully pushed Hoseok. The other boy laughing at his reaction. "But seriously, you need to smile more. Don't you see how cute you look? You're cheeks even puff out." Hoseok's eyes sparkled as he looked at the picture. He looked up at Jimin and saw the boy's blush intensify. He let the camera dangle by his neck and lifted his hands to Jimin's cheeks. Pinching them as the owner of the cheeks giggled while trying to push him away.

Jimin opened his eyes to see darkness. The only light being what the moon let off. Jimin widened his eyes as he figured out what he was dreaming about. His last date with Hoseok. He cried as he remembered how happy Hoseok was that day. He didn't even know that he was going to die three days later.

Neither of them did. They just simply enjoyed that day. Laughing, hugging, and taking pictures. 'If only I knew.' Jimin thought. If he knew that Hoseok was going to die, he would've saved him. He would've told Hoseok that Jungkook was coming after him. But he didn't know Jungkook would kill him.

Jimin sat up and stared at the wall. He cried as an image of Hoseok showed up in the room. The figure smiled, but his smile turned into a frown when he saw Jimin crying. "Jiminie, why are you crying?" Jimin cried harder as the figure walked over to him and put a hand on his cheek. "Jiminie."

Hoseok sat on the bed and hugged Jimin. The brunet watched as Hoseok put his chin on the top of his head. Then he let go of Jimin and looked him in the eyes. "Tell me what's wrong." He said. Jimin sniffed and stared at him before saying, "I couldn't save you." Hoseok was confused. "What do you mean save me?"

Jimin sniffed again. "If only I was strong enough to save you from that huge fucking metal wall. If only I told you, 'Hoseok don't turn there. The the wall is going to fall,' but I didn't. I watched it fall on you."

Hoseok looked down. "There was no way you could've helped me. Even if you did warn me, I was too far away from you." He lifted his head back up and smiled at Jimin. "I know who did it. So does Jackson and Taehyung." Jimin gave the boy a shocked look. "They do?" Hoseok nodded.

"Jackson knows that he was poisoned and Taehyung saw the guy stab him so he couldn't help but know." He watched Jimin slowly look away. "They still love you, though. They will never stop loving you. I won't stop loving you either." He chuckled when Jimin's face lit up.

"Jimin," the boy looked back at him, "is that Yoongi guy helping you?" Hoseok turned serious. Jimin nodded. Hoseok smiled again and got off the bed. "Good. It's nice to see you smiling more." He fixed his shirt and waved to Jimin. "Sleep well. I love you." After that, he vanished.

Jimin took in a sharp breathe. "What?" Jimin pushed the covers off of him and looked at where Hoseok was. "Wait." He crawled to the side of the bed. "Hoseok." He kept crawling and fell off the bed. Making a loud thump as he made contact with the floor. He heard footsteps and his door open.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Yoongi flicked the light on and saw the brunet laying on the floor. Dried tears staining his face. Yoongi walked to Jimin and got on his knees. "What's wrong?" Jimin slowly sat up and looked at Yoongi. "I saw him." He whispered. Yoongi scrunched up his face in confusion. "What?"

Jimin looked behind Yoongi and pointed. "I saw him. Hoseok. He was standing...right...there." He burst into tears. The mint haired boy hugged Jimin. Letting the younger cry on his shoulder. "Who's Hoseok, Jimin?" He asked. Jimin didn't answer. He only cried more.

What would Yoongi say if he told him that he saw one of his dead boyfriends? Would Yoongi make fun of him? He didn't know. The brunet shook his head. Hugging Yoongi tighter. They stayed like that until Jimin cried himself to sleep.


At 10:00 am, Jimin was shaking. There stood his three deceased boyfriends. They looked down at him with warm smiles on their faces. "Hi, Jiminie." They said in unison. Jimin flinched as they stepped closer to him. Jackson scratched the back of his head. "Jiminie, what's wrong?" He asked.

Jimin stared at Jackson with fear in his eyes. "Why are you here?" He asked quietly. All three of the boy's gave Jimin sad looks. "You don't want us here?" Taehyung asked. Jackson and Taehyung looked at Hoseok. "We thought you said that he wanted to see us." Jackson said.

Hoseok shrugged. "That's what I thought." Jimin let some tear slide down his face. Catching the attention of the boys. They walked to the couch Jimin sat on and sat down next to him. "Jiminie," Hoseok started, "it's okay. We aren't mad at you. We just want to see you. That's why we are here now." Jackson and Taehyung nodded. Jimin looked at them with sadness.

He went to hug them but he fell onto the couch. He sat back up and saw nothing. He heard a snicker from behind him. He turned around to see Yoongi looking at him. "What are you doing?" Jimin's mouth was agape. He looked down. "Where'd they go?" He asked. Yoongi sat by him and looked where Jimin was looking. "What do you mean?"

Jimin looked at Yoongi and the mint haired boy instantly felt bad for laughing. He looked at the tears streaming down the brunet's face. "Jimin." He wiped some tears away, but they were quickly followed by more. "I saw them, Yoongi." Jimin said. His voice cracking a little. Yoongi pulled Jimin into a hug and kissed his head. He rocked back and forth. "It's okay, Jimin." He told the boy in his arms.

Jimin stuffed his face in the older's chest. He looked up when Yoongi tapped his back. "Maybe we could go out tomorrow. Will getting fresh air make you feel better?" He asked while smiling. Jimin smiled back. "Sure."

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