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Jimin's heavy breathing was the only thing that reminded him that he was still alive. He lay on the bed. His clothes scattered on the floor. Tape covering his mouth.

Dry tears stained his face as he blankly stared at the cement walk in front of him. He hasn't moved since he was raped. He still had his legs spread out. He stared at the wall questioning himself.

'Was it rape?' He asked himself. Yes, he didn't want to have sex. But, he felt a strange love for Chul. He felt like he has known Chul for a long time. He felt a need to be with Chul.

Jimin heard the basement door open. He stayed completely still. "Wow. You're still in that same position. It's been an hour." Chul walked to Jimin and looked at the boy's exposed body. He bit his lip before sitting down on the bed and caressing Jimin's cheek.

"I brought food for you." Chul said as he sat the plate he was holding on the bed. "I know you feel a little broken, but after you eat you will feel a lot better." The raven smiled. Jimin moved only his eyes to glare at Chul. Making the boy chuckle. "Why do you look so hostile?" He asked.

Chul lifted the boy up and put in a seating position against the wall. "Let me just get that." He said as he moved the chains connected to Jimin's ankles out of the way. Chul ripped the tap off of Jimin's mouth and the older cried out.

"Ah, there you go." Chul smiled at the smaller boy. Jimin lifted his head and looked back at Chul. The brunet stared at him. "Go on. Eat." Chul motioned to the plate. Jimin looked down and gasped. He tried to scurry away, but the chains wouldn't let him go too far.

"I-I'm not eating th-that." Jimin said. His eyes wide. He'd rather starve than eat that. Chul chuckled at his reaction. "Oh, Jimin. Yes you are. You're going to enjoy it too." The younger pushed the plate closer to Jimin. Jimin the other boy whimpered. He started to cry, for the fifth time, as Chul scooted closer.

Chul looked at the plate and grabbed the heart after rolling up his sleeves. "Here, Jimin." He held the heart up to the boy's mouth. "No. It's cannibalism." Jimin moved his head out of the way. "You have to Jimin. It's the only way you'll accept the presents I gave you."

That's when Jimin understood. He understood why he felt love for Chul. It was Jungkook. "Jungkook." Jimin whispered. The boy gave him a surprised face.
"You finally figured it out." Jungkook tipped the mask off and smiled at Jimin. "I knew you would recognize me. True love is always recognizable."

"I don't love you."

"But, you do. That's why you're here."


"That's why you didn't even scream for help."


"That's why you moaned for m-"


Jungkook furrowed his brows. He moved the hand with the heart away from Jimin and put it up to his own mouth. "This is how much I love you." He said as he took a bite of the heart. Squishing sounds feeling the room. Blood poured from the heart and onto the bed sheets. Jimin watched with horror as Jungkook swallows the bite with no problem.

Jungkook smiled at Jimin. Some blood dripping from his mouth. "You try some. If you love me, you will eat it." He said putting the heart in front of Jimin. Blood dripping on Jimin's knee and trailing down his inner thigh.

"I don't love you. I love someone else." Jimin stated blankly. Jungkook snapped. His eyes twitches and a wide smile appeared on his face. "What are you talking about?" Jungkook climbed fully on the bed and slid in between Jimin's slightly spread legs.

"You're really funny, Jimin. I almost thought you were serious." Jungkook laughed. He sighed before shoving the heart in Jimin's mouth. "Mmph!" Jimin tried to push Jungkook away, but the younger was stronger. "Eat it, Jimin. Eat it! Eat my love for you! Show me how much you love me!" Jungkook shouted as he shoved the heart further into Jimin's mouth.

Jimin gagged as Jungkook almost shoved it down his throat. Jungkook stopped when he thought the heart was shoved in deep enough. He forced Jimin to chew and smiled at the disgusted look on the older's face.

Jimin swallowed the chewed up organ and immediately threw up afterward. Jungkook leaned him over so it wouldn't get on the bed. The throw up was a dark red color. Jimin felt a pain in his throat as he continued to throw up the dark red liquid.

"Good." Jungkook pat the boy's back as he watched. He smiled to himself. 'It's working.' Jungkook laid Jimin down when he finished. He left the room and waited.


Yoongi panicked. He cried, walking along the busy street. Looking for Jimin. That thing he heard from the other was a cry for help. He hasn't heard from him since. Yoongi's friend, Namjoon, and his boyfriend were helping him look for the brunet.

They met up at a street light. "I haven't seen him." Namjoon said. Jin shook his head. Yoongi only looked down. "We have to keep looking." Yoongi pushed threw the couple, but was stopped by Namjoon. "We've been looking for week. Twenty-four hours a day. We can't do any more other than wait and see what happens."

Yoongi looked at him. "You bastard. You ducking idiot." He said. Namjoon raised his eyebrows at the boy. "You think I can just fucking let it be? You want me to wait? You want me to sit on my ass and hope he's okay?" Yoongi shoved Namjoon away. "I can't! You wanna know why? It's because I'm not a lazy ass motherfucker like you! I'm not a fucking idiot who would just wait for Jimin to come back!"

Jin gasped as he watched his boyfriend get yelled at by Yoongi. "What if he gets raped?! What if he gets killed?! I don't want to be late and the only reason I would be is because you stay at home and fuck your boyfriend to the sheets! Isn't that why you want to stop looking?!"

Namjoon and Jin were taken aback. They couldn't believe Yoongi was talking to them like this. "Yoongi, no. That's not why I wa-" "You know what?! Go! Go! Grab your slut and go home!" The mint haired boy walked away. Leaving behind a hurt Jin and an angry Namjoon. Yoongi didn't care. He just wanted to find Jimin. He wanted the small brunet back in his arms. He wanted to see him smile and giggle.

Yoongi loved him. He missed him.


"Ah, Jimin. You finally woke up. It's been a week." Jungkook smiled at Jimin. The boy had red eyes. "Jimin?" The older sat up then growled. "Jimin?" Jungkook gave him a worried look as the older looked at him.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Jimin grabbed onto Jungkook's shirt and ripped it off. He crawled closer and bit the boy's arm. "AH!" Jungkook cried out. He pulled on Jimin's hair, making the other stop. Jungkook gave Jimin a small smile before saying, "You need to be trained."

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