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Jimin's POV

I smiled at the nice dream I just had. Waking up from that was able to make me happy even when I woke up in that basement. Blood staining my mouth and all my other senses.

That heat the Jungkook fed me was disgusting, though I believe it gave me a little hope. I was going crazy. I, in fact, needed to be in a mental hospital, but instead I was here.

Laying on this bed.

Chains on my ankles.

Recovering from what seemed like a long sleep.

I slightly moved my head to see stairs leading above ground. This is when feeling came to my body. I felt pain everywhere. I grunted at the feeling. It was like my entire body was...squished...by...a...giant...wall.

It's funny almost. How I can just dream of the dream I dreamt. It's like the dream was a false reality that I wanted to be true. Sure I would have mental issues and my three last boyfriends would still be gone, but at least I was with Doctor Min.

At least I was with the person that I love dearly. But even in my dreams, I can't have him. It's my reality. Who I'm with dies and then I move on. It's like I'm the one killing them.

Actually, I am the one killing them.

I killed Hoseok.

I killed Jackson.

I killed Taehyung.

And now I'm about to kill Yoongi.

If he comes to 'save' me from this situation he will die. I will only be able to stare at his corpse and smile. I'll smile at the nice few weeks we were with each other. Ill smile at the times Yoongi would kiss me while I'm sleeping. I'll smile at the times he would fall asleep on me and I would play with his mint hair. I'll smile at every time Yoongi came back from work and I would greet him like a wife would to her husband.

Not that I'm saying that the wife would stay home. I just assume that I'm the 'girl' of our so called relationship. That's what my dad always said, anyway. He always told me that I was going to be the wife of any relationship I'm in. Even if I'm dating a women, she would top me in some way.

I, according to my father, was just too weak to be the male of a relationship. I remember when he said that to me. I was only five years old and didn't understand shit of what he was talking about.

"Jimin-ah, come here."

I was too young to understand that my father always thought of me as the weakling.

"You will always be the women of your relationships. I don't give a damn who you date. It's just how it is. You're too weak not to be."

I'm weak.

My father knows.

My mother probably knows.

Jungkook knows.


That's right. He does know. That's why let me stay with him. Because I'm weak. If he left me on the street, he thought I would die. So he picked me up and took me to his apartment.

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