1- Just the Beginning

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 My heart was pumping, I could hear it as I entered the two story building. I let out a breath knowing that I just have to suck it up. Hey, maybe it can be a fresh new start? I doubt it. 

 All of a sudden I was knocked off my feet, realizing that I was just looking at the ground, staring at the brown tile floors, which I assume they were supposed to be white? I gasped and grunted when I landed on my butt, Looking up to the guy standing right in front of me. His eyes were wide and he smiled down at me. 

 "Hey, sorry about that, are you okay?" He asked, offering me a hand. I took it and nodded, not wanting to talk much. 

 "Yeah, um I'm fine," I mumbled, the floor being my eyes most comfortable spot right now. 

 He let out a chuckle and stared back at me. 

"The names Joey, I've never seen you around here before. You new?" He questioned, knowing I was. It was confirmed after I gave the slightest head nod. "Need some directions?" 

"Yup, to class. But you don't have to, I can find it." I lifted my head up and shrugged, about to go walk off. 

"Wait, what's your name?" He said, grabbing my bicep.

"Belle," I whispered, rubbing my bicep after and walking away. 

I walked and walked and walked until I found the classroom. Room 163. Math.  I always loved math, I was good with equations. I walked through the door just on time, thank god I came in early today. I sighed and took a seat that was empty, next to no one. And that's how I liked it. But of course, some cocky teenage guys walked into the classroom looking like they're all that. I'm taking a wild guess here and saying they're popular. Wait, Joey's with them. They were all staring at me and mumbling, all I could make out was human? Or at least I think they said human. I mean like yeah, duh I'm a human. 

I felt a presence next to me and looked up to see what looked like the leader of the group. 6'3 about with pitch black hair styled up in a small quiff, a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans. 

"Hey, you're new right?" He looked at me up and down and I squirmed uncomfortable in my seat. 

"Yeah, um I just moved here." I stared at my fingers as I fiddled with them in my lap. 

He nodded and smirked, "I'm Justin," He held out his hand for me to shake. I stared at it and looked at his face. Lip ring, Bright piercing blue eyes, pink lips, white/olive skin. He was like every girls day dream. 

I extended my hand and delicately shook his hand, "I'm Belle." My eyes widened as I felt my hand, it was like sparks grew throughout my hand whenever I touched him. They weren't overwhelming though, just slight, but amazing. 

He smirked at my thoughts and my shocked expression. I sighed and dropped my hand back in my lap as the teacher walked into class.

"It seems like we have a new student today," She smiled and motioned me to get up. "Tell them your name and interests." Justin snorted beside me at the elementary introducing I had to do. 

"Um well my name is Belle White and well my interests are gymnastics and dance I guess." I shrugged, not feeling very confident. I felt someone watching me and looked over to see a guy staring at me. I heard Justin next to me growl? He was looking right at him. I just sat down and ignored it. 

During the whole lesson Justin made it apparent to rub his arm against mine "accidentally." Every darn time I felt those sparks. I think I'm going crazy, that might explain it. After a few more lessons, every class with Justin sitting next to me, it was lunch. I sighed and just went to my locker to put my books away, planning just to go up to the library and read a book or something. As I slammed my locker shut, I guess I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't see the 6 foot tall monster standing behind it. I shrieked and slammed my hand on my heart. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I mumbled, giving a breath of relief that it was just Justin. 

"Sorry about that but I thought I'd just get the new kid jitters out of you, you know? Relax kid, you're okay." Justin chuckled as he rubbed my hair. I glared at him and patted down my hair, fixing it the best of my abilities. He smirked and looked at me.

"You're eating lunch with me and my friends today." My eyes widened as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"Okay, so I get no say in this?" I say, rolling my eyes, getting a tiny bit more comfortable around him, but still feeling those sparks. 

"I'm not letting you sit in that little library all coped up while you can make some friends." I stared wide eyed at him. 

"How'd you know I was going to the library," He shrugged it off. 

"All new kids do it." He opened the doors of the cafeteria and my eyes widened seeing so many people. He guided us to his table and sat down with his friends. I awkwardly sat down next to him, placing my hands in my lap again, fiddling with my fingers. 

"Well now I know what you do when you're nervous." He said wrapping his arm around me again. I stared at him confused and he nudged his head towards my fingers. I blushed and looked down. 

"Ok so let's get to introducing. This is Alex, Kevin, Joey-" He got cut off by Joey. 

"Oh yeah, we already met. I bumped into her." Joey exclaimed chuckling. Justin rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the smile coming from his face because of his clumsy friend. 

"And I'm Brandon," The one slightly shorter than all the others, but still no shorter than 6 foot. They looked intimidating. I'm only 5'4 for gods sake. Justin pushed my shoulder into him so I was leaning on him while he was rubbing my shoulder. 

Oh god, this is only the beginning. 

(Belle on top)


Hey guys! I really hope you like the start of this book. It's about to get crazy. Well if you liked it please vote and comment what you think. It means a lot. I'll read every comment because, well I don't have many lol. Have a great day <3 

Word count- 1124

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