Chapter Four

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Kourté's eyes blinked open and at first, she was confused about why on earth she lay in a strange queen sized bed. Then, she remembered last night and her eyes immediately flew to the spot next to her.

Thankfully, it was empty and Kourté breathed out a relieved sigh; she didn't do too well with mornings after. Last thing she wanted was to ruin a perfectly good night with an awkward morning.

And some night it had been, she thought remembering how... enthusiastic the woman from last night had been. It was a pity she hadn't dropped a name. Kourté might have been tempted to look her up.

She stretched loving the pleasant ache she felt deep in her muscle. Good sex seemed the perfect cure for a shitty day.

Naked, she stood up and headed to the bathroom deciding to take her time getting ready since she was alone. By the time she was done with her shower, it was already a good hour later.

Her phone was ringing loudly when she got out and she grimaced. She had a minor hangover (she'd drank some more after coming up to the suite last night) and didn't appreciate the annoying sound.

Picking up the phone, she sighed at the contact display. Carson. What now?


She snapped on answer.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a corpse. What do you want Carson? I'm nursing a mini hangover here"

He chuckled which just served to piss her off even more.

"I'm gonna hang up-"

"Okay, okay. Jeez. I thought you'd be happier by today. Didn't you have a good time at your party?"

An image of full, round tits flashed in her minds eye and she smiled slowly.

"I had a wonderful time"

She said in a much more reduced tone. Carson snorted.

"Of course you did. Anyway, I know your pissed at me-"

"You have no idea"

"But I'm about to make you love me again"

Carson finished, ignoring her biting words.

Kourté raised a brow and walked over to her clothes. She hated to wear the same dress she's worn yesterday, but her only other option was walking out of the hotel butt naked. She smirked; not that many people would mind. She had a feeling she would make several dreams come true if she did, still, she wasn't that adventurous. Pity it was illegal.

"What do you possibly have that'll make up being thrown away as the-"

"René said yes"

Kourté paused.

"René? As in the designer? As in the hottest thing in France right now?"

"The very same babe. He'll send a copy of the contract for us to go through tomorrow morning."

He said and Kourté let out a small scream.

"Oh God! Yes! You finally did your job you freaking bastard!"

Carson made some offended sound but Kourté paid him absolutely no mind.

"I mean, it still doesn't beat loosing the belladonna contract but it's a start"

"C'mon! Tell me you love me"

Kourté snorted.

"As if. I've been thinking about the best way to kill you and Bowman. I thought flaying your balls seemed like a nice place to start"

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